Bank Account Details

Account details in PLN (Polish Zloty)

Account Holder:

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
ul. Oczapowskiego 2
10-719 Olsztyn, POLAND



Bank Address:

ul. Grzybowska 53/57
00-844 Warsaw, POLAND

Account Number (IBAN):

PL 50 1240 6292 1111 0011 0270 2780



The payment must contain the following data (enter in field “Transfer description”): Your First name and last name of a student with indication of payment (Admission fee or Tuition fee).

For UNIVERSITY PREPARATION COURSE, the payment must contain the following data (enter in field “Transfer description”): Your First name and last name with indication of payment “University Preparation course”

Please note that internationl bank transfers can take up to 3 working days, before the payment is credited to the University's bank account. 

The date of payment shall be the date on which the amount is credited to the University's bank account.
In the event of late payment, the Student will be liableto pay interest at the statutory rate for each day of delay from the due date.
If your bank transactions are only available in EURO or USD currency (PLN transactions are not available in your bank) please use the exchange rate converter (information provided is only a sample view to calculate the approx. amount in PLN)