Regulations of the Subject

Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum, UWM in Olsztyn.

  1. The subject "Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy" includes classes in Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy for 5th year students of the medical faculty.
  2. All classes take place according to the schedule in the hours provided for in the class schedule. The place of classes is defined in the class schedule.
  3. Classes include lectures, seminars and exercises.


1.    Lectures take place in fixed places and hours specified in the schedule of classes for the entire year. The lectures are intended for all students.

2.    The contents contained in the lectures are necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes. Knowledge of their content is assessed on the final exam.

3.    Lectures are conducted in the form of an oral presentation using multimedia presentations.

4.    Participation in lectures is obligatory.


1.    Before starting the course, the student should read these Regulations and apply to its provisions. Confirmation of this fact is the signing of an appropriate statement before starting the first classes.

2.    The teacher conducting the classes is obliged to familiarize the Students with the content of the Regulations before starting the first classes.

3.    The student is obliged to comply with the Health and Safety Regulations of the center in which he / she takes classes.

4.   Before commencement of classes, the Student is obliged to leave the outerwear in a designated place. For exercises, the student is required to obtain a white medical coat, a stethoscope, change shoes and an ID card.

5.    All classes take place according to the schedule in the hours provided for in the class schedule. Students and people conducting classes are punctual.

6.    Seminars are held in the form of a slide show as well as in the form of interaction with students. Exercises have the form of practical teaching at the patient.

7.    The place of classes should be orderly and clean and take care of appropriate behavior. Smoking and eating are not allowed.

8.    The student is obliged to participate in classes with the student group to which he was assigned. For holding classes with another dean's group, the student must have written permission from the Dean of Student Affairs and Education.

9.    The student is obliged to prepare for each subsequent classes in the scope of the current material in a given cycle

10.    Attendance at classes and seminars is obligatory. One justified excuse is allowed. Every absence must be justified. All absences the student is obliged to make up and include the contents of the abandoned material after prior appointment of the date and manner with the assistant tutor. The student is obliged to make up for the absence in the same semester in which he left the classes. If you do not make the absence, the student will not be allowed to pass the course.

11.    The head of the subject after each semester will receive attendance lists and a list of students who have not fulfilled the above mentioned conditions on the basis of which it is possible to pass the course.

12.  In order to finish the course the student has to pass written test (10 questions). 

III Passing the Subject

1.    The subject ends with a written test which takes place before the start of the winter examination session.

2.    Assessment is carried out in written form - multiple choice test consisting of 30 questions. Passing the test is possible after getting 60% of correct answers. The thematic scope of the course includes the material presented during the classes and literature given by the teachers. Students who participated in the classes and obtained the assessment for classes and seminars will be admitted to the final exam.

3.    During the assesment test, the use of any teaching aids and communication means is excluded. Breaking this prohibition automatically results in an inadequate grade.

4.    Partial scores are awarded according to the percentage scale of grades:

< 60% -  2,0

60% - 70% - 3,0

71% - 79% - 3,5

80% - 85% - 4,0

86% - 92% - 4,5

93% - 100% - 5,0

Disputes not included in the Regulations of the subject shall be resolved by the Subject Coordinator / Head of Deparment.

Regulations come into force on the 1st of October 2023.