The White Coat Ceremony took place on Saturday, 6th of May at 10.00am, at the UWM’s Conference Center, Dybowskiego 11 street.

 Program of the Event:

  • Welcome and introduction by Dean of Medical Sciences Faculty
  • White Coat Ceremony -  announcing  and presentation white coat clinical tutors -  cloaking of white coats
  • Lily of the Valley Prize – Special Dean’s Awards
  •  Can we do more for out patients?  by Dariusz Zadrożny, MD, PhD, prof. of UWM
  • Closing message and Deans’ appreciation

 Dean’s Lily of the Valley Prize 2017 was awarded to the student of the School of Medicine:

  • Alexander Okraska
  • Filip Siennicki-Lantz
  • Dominik Masomi Ghaleh