Themes of lecture
1. Legislation on infectious diseases, epidemics and occupational diseases with infectious and invasive aetiology.
2. Infectious diseases in pregnancy.
3. HIV infections/AIDS.
4. Fevers of unknown aetiology, fevers in individuals returning from tropical regions and selected tropical diseases.
5. Tick-borne diseases.
6. Rabies, tetanus, diphtheria and botulism in the infectious disease specialist’s practice.
7. Viral hepatitis – diagnostics, clinic and treatment.
8. Diagnostics of jaundice, liver cirrhosis and liver failure.
9. Neuroinfections.
10. Preventing blood-borne infections in healthcare professionals.
Themes of seminars
1. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract/food poisonings, dysentery, Campylobacter, Clostridium diffcile.
2. Parasitic infestations encountered in Poland.
3. Rash diseases and skin infections/erysipelas, anthrax, gas gangrene, erysipeloid, tonsillitis with diphtheria, chickenpox and hemiplegia, herpes, rubella, smallpox.
4. Sepsis.
5. Hospital-acquired infections.
6. Immunoprophylaxis of tetany and rabies.
7. Bioterrorism. 8. HIV+ patient management standards.
9. Travel medicine.
10. Selected haemorrhagic fevers.
Themes of exercises
Practical application of the knowledge acquired at lectures and seminars in the Infectious Disease Clinic as well as in the Retrovirus Clinic and in the Infectious Disease Ward.