INFECTIOUS DISEASES
                           at the Collegium Medicum of the University of Warmia and Mazury
                                            for fourth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine
Course coordinator: Piotr P. Kocbach, MD, PhD; Aleksandra Kocbach-Przudzik, MD
Clinical exercises and seminars take place at the Hospital in Ostróda S.A. street Jagiełły 1, where students are transported by transport rented by the university
tel. (89)-646-06-22, 89-646 -06-47, 89- 646-06-89

1. Teaching classes (classes and seminars) in the field of infectious diseases for fourth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine take place at the Hospital in Ostróda S.A.
2. During classes specified in the schedule, the student is not allowed to take part in other classes, including making up for outstanding exercises in other Clinics and Departments, completing seminars or taking exams.
3. Classes for students are held on days designated by the class schedule in a block system developed by the WL planner. Changes to the class schedule may only be made by the WL planner or with the knowledge and consent of the course coordinator.
4. The composition of the student group in the block is determined by the Dean's Office. A student may change his/her group assignment only with the written consent of the Dean's Office.
5. Students of the 4th Faculty of Medicine are allocated 70 hours a year to study the subject of infectious diseases, including 20 hours of lectures (exam), 10 hours of seminars (test) and 40 hours of exercises (practical examination)
. 6. Seminars and exercises are conducted by: Piotr Kocbach, Aleksandra Kocbach-Przudzik, Joanna Osińska, Maria Hlebowicz.
7. Classes start on designated days at 8.30. and last until 2:15 p.m. Classes last 7 days (block).
8. Students are obliged to report to classes on time and participate in all classes, always with their own stethoscope, protective apron and replacement shoes.
9. Unexcused absence prevents you from passing the classes and taking the exam. Justified absence (sick leave or leave granted by the Dean) is allowed, lasting no longer than 3 days. Justified absence from classes lasting longer than 3 days results in the student being transferred to another group of classes, with the knowledge and consent of the Dean. It is not possible to make up classes individually in the event of an absence lasting longer than 3 days. Justified absence should be confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate
10. Making up classes (excused absence) may only take place after agreement between the student and the person responsible for the teaching process. Absence from the seminar may be counted for by participating in the next group's classes or by completing the course with the lecturer.
11. Assessment of the exercises takes place on the last day of the block classes and ends with a practical assessment - discussion of the selected disease, taking an interview, examining the patient, proposing a course of action.
Passing the seminars takes place on the last day of classes and ends with a test - 9 points: 5.0; 8 points: 4.5; 7 points: 4.0; 6 points: 3.5; 5 points: 3.0; 4-0pts: 2.0
12. During classes, students are obliged to observe professional secrecy and respect the rights of the patient. During practical classes, occupational health and safety principles and the EU GDPR directive must be observed, with particular emphasis on the principles of preventing hospital and occupational infections. Students who have received a full series of vaccinations against hepatitis B virus may be admitted to practical classes. 
13. The examination in the subject of infectious diseases will be held in written or oral form during the examination session.
14. The condition for passing is obtaining at least 60% of correct answers. Inspection of individual forms of assessment is possible from the course coordinator (100%: 5,0; 90%: 4,5; 80%: 4,0; 70%:3,5; 60%;3,0; 59%-0%: 2,0). 
15. The use of any teaching aids or means of communication is prohibited during tests. Violating this prohibition will automatically result in receiving a failing grade. 16. Exam dates for individual groups are set by the Dean's Office. 17. The final grade for the infectious diseases exam is the average of the grades for the practical exam, the test and the oral or written exam:
Grading scale: very good (5), good plus (4.5), good (4), satisfactory plus (3.5), satisfactory (3), insufficient (2).
18. A make-up examination for students who received an unsatisfactory grade in the first examination is held at the course head's office after individually setting the examination date, no earlier than 3 days after the previous examination.
19. All matters not included in these regulations are resolved by the Course Coordinator based on the Student's written request. If it is impossible to formally make a decision, the Dean for Student Affairs and Education decides.
20. The regulations of classes are consistent with the Study Regulations of the University of Warsaw and the procedures in force at the Faculty of Medicine.
21. The Regulations enter into force on the day of their announcement.
Piotr Kocbach, MD, PhD
Aleksandra Kocbach-Przudzik, MD

                                                         INFECTIOUS DISEASES
implemented in the summer/winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025 in the 4th year of medical studies in Polish/English
I hereby declare that I have read the Terms and Conditions of the Subject
and I undertake to comply with it.


                                                                        student's signature