Diagnostic Imaging 1/2 LECTURES SCHEDULE summer semester 2024/2025

Diagnostic Imaging 1/2 SEMINARS SCHEDULE summer semester 2024/2025

Diagnostic Imaging 1/2 CLASSES SCHEDULE summer semester 2024/2025



The Imaging Diagnostics 1/2 course in the summer semester 2024/2025 consists of:

LECTURES-10h- carried out by Grzegorz Wasilewski, MD, PhD

SEMINAR-10h- carried out by Joanna Urbaniec-Stompór, MD; Laura Eliszewska, MD; Adrian Górski, MD; Anna Stanek, MD; Łukasz Urbaniec, MD; Wiktoria Wronisz, MD

CLASSES- 10h, divided into two blocks:

2X 5h- carried out in the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic of the Regional Specialist Hospital in Olsztyn  (Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Olsztynie)  by:

Laura Eliszewska, MD; Adrian Górski,MD; Anna Stanek, MD; Łukasz Urbaniec, MD; Wiktoria Wronisz, MD




1.  Introduction to diagnostic imaging. Different methods in diagnostic imaging examination, conventional radiography. Radiation protection action, radiation risk and ensuring patient safety.  Radiation dose. Skin reactions. Preparation for the radiographic examination. Selected methods of diagnostic imaging part 1: using X-ray, MMG  

2.  Selected methods of diagnostic imaging part 2:   cross-sectional imaging techniques, fundamentals of CT and MRI,  indication for CT and MRI with spcial attention of the chest imaging. Radiographic and paramagnetic contrast agents

3.  Diagnostic imaging of the chest part 1  – Imaging modalities. Normal radiological anatomy – review. Methods of the chest examination. Radiographic findings in chest disease.  Pulmonary opacity and lucency. Basic radiological signs and symptoms in chest diagnostic imaging, principles of analysis and interpretations of chest X-ray. Basic radiological signs during X-ray and CT imaging interpretation and selected pathologies. Types of pulmonary atelectasis, radiological signs                   
4.  Diagnostic imaging of the chest part 2  -  mediastinum, radiological anatomy review, lines and stripes,  Thoracic inlet masses, anterior, middle and posterior mediastinal masses.  Radiological signs of selected pathologies during X-rays and CT images, analysis and interpretation. Pleura and chest wall. Cardiac imaging

5.  Diagnostic imaging of the abdomen 



1.  Diagnostic imaging of the selected pathologies of the chest part 1  -  imaging modalities of the lungs, conventional chest radiography, patterns of parenchymal opacity, reticular opacities and patterns of pulmonary interstitial opacities, predominantly linear pattern, pathology. Radiographic characteristic of airspace disease, diffuse confluent airspace opacities differential diagnosis, types of pulmonary atelectasis. Interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary infection, diffuse lung disease, Airways disease, pulmonary edema division, acute and chronic interstitial edema, cardiogenic edema, pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum, pulmonary vascular diseases, pulmonary embolism. Pleural effusion. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis 

2.  Diagnostic imaging of the selected pathologies of the chest part 2.  -  pulmonary neoplasm, lung cancer 

3.  Diagnostic imaging of the selected pathologies of the abdominal cavity part 1 – liver, pancreas and bile ducts

4.  Diagnostic imaging of the selected pathologies of the abdominal cavity part 2  with emphasis of the stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine pathologies

5.  Clinical cases – analysis and interpretation of selected pathologies in the chest and abdominal diagnostic imaging examination 



1.  Different diagnostic imaging methods:  film radiography, computed radiography, digital radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography and CBCT.  X-ray tube, CT scanner.  Naming radiographics views and projections, CT windows.  Advantages and disadvantages for examination radiographic and magnetic rsonance examination.  Pregnancy and radiation.  Portable radiography.  Principle of interpretations of the X-ray (part 1) on selected examples.

2.  Principle of interpretations of the X-ray (part 2) and CT images and selected pathologies and diseases of the chest. Principle of interpretations of the X-ray and CT images and selected pathologies and diseases of the abdomen.