ENGLISH DIVISION 3rd year MD Programme Academic year 2023/2024

PATHOLOGY COURSE 2nd semester schedule


LECTURES: (23.10; 30.10; 18.12; 08.01; 15.01)

1. Pathology of the pancreas, liver and endocrine system.

2. Pathology of the female genital system and breast.

3. Pathology of the male genital system, prostate gland, urinary tract and kidney.

4. Pathology of the skin, soft tiasue, bones and joints.

5. Pathology of the nervous system and hemathopathology.



Department of Pathomorphology and Forensic Medicine

1. Pathology of the pancreas, liver. 09-13.10.2023

2. Pathology of the endocrine system. 16-20.10.2023

3. Pathology of the female genital system. 23-27.10.2023

4. Pathology of the breast. 30.10-10.11.2023

5. Pathology of the male genital system. 13-17.11.2023

6. Pathology of the urinary tract and Kidney. 20-24.11.2023

7. Pathology of the skin. 27.11-01.12.2023

8. Pathology of the soft tissue. 04-08.12.2023

9. Pathology of bones and joints. 11-15.12.2023

10. Pathology of central nervous system. 18-22.12.2023

11. Hemathopathology- bone marrow. 01.01-12.01.2024

12. Hematopathology- lymph nodes. 15-19.01.2024

13. General Pathology- repetition. 22-26.01.2024



At each seminar, two students prepare 30-45 minute presentations on the topics listed below. The seminar groups are asked to divide the topics among themselves. We start our presentations with the first seminar classes.

Sem. 1: Pathology of the panceras, liver, biliary tree and gallblader.
Topic 1.  Autoimmune pancreatitis- classification, clinical and histopathological picture. Cholecystolithiasis.
Topic 2. Viral hepatitis, autoimmune cholangiopathies (primary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis) - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 2: Pathology of the endocrine system.
Topic 1. Posterior pituitary syndromes and pituitary insufficiency - pathogenesis, classification, clinical picture.
Topic 2. Diseases of the endocrine pancreas - diabetes. Neuroendocrine neoplasms of pancreas.

Sem. 3: Human Papilloma Virus-related neoplasms (head and neck, genital system).
Topic 1. Molecular mechanisms of HPV-induced carcinogenesis
Topic 2. HPV vaccines

Sem. 4: Diseases of pregnancy.
Topic 1. Gestational trophoblastic disease- classification, clinical and histopathological picture
Topic 2. Arterial hypertension and diabetes in pregnancy, eclampsia and pre-eclampsia.

Sem. 5: Pathology of the prostate gland and infectious diseases of genital system.
Topic 1. Prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, venereal granuloma, inguinal granuloma, soft chancre.

Sem. 6: Pathology of the urinary tract, urinary bladder and kidneys.
Topic 1. Pathogenesis, classification, types, clinical picture and histopathological features of glomerulonephritis.
Topic 2. Cystitis and nephrolithiasis - classification, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 7: Dermatoses.
Topic 1. Blistering skin diseases - classification, pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Behcet's disease, granuloma annulare, psoriasis, lichen planus - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 8: Pathology of the soft tissue, bones and joints. Pathology of the muscles and peripheral nervous system.
Topic 1. Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Skeletal muscle disorders - muscular dystrophies, congenital and acquired myopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical features.

Sem. 9:  Pathology of nervous system.
Topic 1. Tauopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical and neuropathological features.
Topic 2. Synucleinopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical and neuropathological features.

Sem. 10: Hematopathology.
Topic 1. Anemias - classification, pathogenesis, clinical picture.
Topic 2. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the thymus - classification, clinical and histopathological picture.



I term 31.01.2024 (Wednesday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A

II term 08.02.2024 (Thursday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A

III term 14.02.2024 (Wednesday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A



The knowledge obtained by the 3rd year student during Pathology classes: Organ/ systemic pathology: learning and understanding the morphological basis of diseases treated in hospital wards and clinics. Knowledge and ability to inerpret macroscopic images (during didactic autopsies). Knowledge and ability to interpret microscopic images.m Developing positive attitude and behavior consistent with medical ethics.