ENGLISH DIVISION 3rd year MD Programme Academic year 2023/2024 PATHOLOGY COURSE 2nd semester:





At each seminar, two students prepare 30-45 minute presentations on the topics listed below. The seminar groups are asked to divide the topics among themselves. We start our presentations with the first seminar classes.

Sem. 1: Pathology of the panceras, liver, biliary tree and gallblader
Topic 1.  Autoimmune pancreatitis- classification, clinical and histopathological picture. Cholecystolithiasis.
Topic 2. Viral hepatitis, autoimmune cholangiopathies (primary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis) - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 2: Pathology of the endocrine system
Topic 1. Posterior pituitary syndromes and pituitary insufficiency - pathogenesis, classification, clinical picture.
Topic 2. Diseases of the endocrine pancreas - diabetes. Neuroendocrine neoplasms of pancreas.

Sem. 3: Human Papilloma Virus-related neoplasms (head and neck, genital system).
Topic 1. Molecular mechanisms of HPV-induced carcinogenesis
Topic 2. HPV vaccines

Sem. 4: Diseases of pregnancy
Topic 1. Gestational trophoblastic disease- classification, clinical and histopathological picture
Topic 2. Arterial hypertension and diabetes in pregnancy, eclampsia and pre-eclampsia.

Sem. 5: Pathology of the prostate gland and infectious diseases of genital system.
Topic 1. Prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, venereal granuloma, inguinal granuloma, soft chancre.

Sem. 6: Pathology of the urinary tract, urinary bladder and kidneys
Topic 1. Pathogenesis, classification, types, clinical picture and histopathological features of glomerulonephritis.
Topic 2. Cystitis and nephrolithiasis - classification, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 7: Dermatoses
Topic 1. Blistering skin diseases - classification, pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Behcet's disease, granuloma annulare, psoriasis, lichen planus - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.

Sem. 8: Pathology of the soft tissue, bones and joints. Pathology of the muscles and peripheral nervous system
Topic 1. Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus - pathogenesis, clinical and histopathological picture.
Topic 2. Skeletal muscle disorders - muscular dystrophies, congenital and acquired myopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical features.

Sem. 9:  Pathology of nervous system.
Topic 1. Tauopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical and neuropathological features.
Topic 2. Synucleinopathies - pathogenesis, classification, clinical and neuropathological features.

Sem. 10: Hematopathology
Topic 1. Anemias - classification, pathogenesis, clinical picture.
Topic 2. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the thymus - classification, clinical and histopathological picture.


I term 31.01.2024 (Wednesday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A

II term 08.02.2024 (Thursday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A

III term 14.02.2024 (Wednesday) 07:15 am Collegium Biologiae, ul. M. Oczapowskiego 1A