Regulations of the subject Palliative Medicine for the medical sciences Students in the Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Subject: Palliative Medicine
Major: Medicine
1. Classes are held at the Palliative Care Center im. Jana Pawła II (Al. Wojska Polskiego 30).
2. The academic teacher responsible for conducting the classes ‘Palliative Medicine’ is lek. Anna Sugajska
3. Classes include exercises (clinical classes), which are held according to the framework and a detailed program and schedule which are available at the office and at the website of Oncology Department.
3.1. Classes schedule include:
- Introduction to palliative medicine. History of palliative care. Palliative care, hospice care (stationary hospice care, home hospice care, outpatient clinic). History taking in palliative medicine. Communication with palliative medicine patients and their families. Physical examination of palliative care patients.
2. Pain management in palliative care – part 1. Causes of cancer pain. Classification of pain. Pain assessment tools.
3. Pain management in palliative care – part 2. Treatment of cancer pain. Principles of analgesic use. Analgesic ladder. Prevention of side effects of pain treatment. Invasive methods for pain treatment. Concept of Total pain.
- Patients at the end of life. Symptoms management.
- Emergencies in palliative medicine.
3.2. Attendance at all classes is mandatory. Any absence from exercises must be justified in writing and then worked off and accomplished according to the rules by the person conducting the classes. Written justification must be submitted to the Secretariat of the Oncology Department. Allowance to work off the classes is given by the Head of the Department of Oncology. Additionally, repeating the classes requires a written confirmation by an assistant or assistant lecturer.
3.3. In the case of not having worked the missed classes out, a student is not allowed to take the final credit, which means that the student receives insufficient note.
3.4. Permitted number of justified absence is 50% of classes (= 2 days of classes).
3.5. It is not allowed to record, copy the classes or materials that are presented in any form without the prior consent of the teacher. Failure to comply with this prohibition will automatically cause a negative assessment of the subject and it will be referred to the competent authorities of the university.
4. Every student is required to prepare for each class in the field of material submitted or the schedule described by the program or assistant.
4.1. Knowledge of the material from all current and previously held classes is required for each exercise:
4.1.1. Knowledge of the material is assessed by the teacher in form of an oral answer during classes and a written credit at the end of the course.
4.1.2. The use of other sources apart from their own knowledge and skills during tests, checks and a final examination should result in a negative final note and in flagrant cases it will be referred to the competent authorities of the faculty.
5. Clinical exercises at the bedside require appropriate clothing and equipment.
5.1. During clinical exercises Students, should be wearing protective clothing complying with health and safety regulations of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, which include: white, clean and ironed white suites; shoes with covered toes and a white sole; Student ID of Medicine Faculty is necessary.
5.2. Some clinical exercises may require an efficient stethoscope.
5.3. In order to enter the wards, exercise rooms, and meeting patients, a student must have a Student ID with photo, and changed footwear. The student enters the ward only with an assistant, to which he was assigned on a given day, must also apply and respect the schedule of the classes. A study of patients is carried out at the place designated by the assistant. It is forbidden to make own decisions regarding patient’s diagnostics or treatment.
5.4. The student is obliged to respect the principles of safety and the safety of patients in accordance with the recommendations of the teacher, as well as strict compliance with the rules of medical confidentiality.
5.5. During clinical exercises, it is strictly prohibited to use mobile phones and all kind of electronic devices equipped with camera or microphones without the prior consent of the teacher.
6. The course will be accomplished based on the final credit but only after completing all the exercises before.
6.1. Final credit cover all material (exercises and recommended textbooks).
6.2. On the final credit Students will receive 6 open-ended questions.
6.3. The following grades are used as a score from final credit:
bardzo dobry (bdb) [excellent/A]- 5,0;
dobry plus (+db) [good plus/B+] - 4,5;
dobry (db) [good/B]- 4,0;
dostateczny plus (+dst) [satisfactory plus/C+]- 3,5;
dostateczny (dst) [satisfactory/C] - 3,0;
niedostateczny (ndst) [unsatisfactory/fail]- 2,0.
6.4. During all the examinations, it is strictly prohibited to use any aids, communication tools and all kinds of electronic devices equipped with a camera or microphone, etc. Violation of this prohibition will automatically result in failing grade and will be referred to the matter to the Disciplinary Committee of the University.
6.5. Final credit tests will be stored in the Department of Oncology. At the student's request, it is possible to see the test under the supervision of an employee of the Department of Oncology.
7. Students with individual organization studies are required to contact the person coordinating the subject in order to determinate the way of execution of the subject.
8. Any matters not covered in the rules above are of responsibility of the Head of the Department.
9. In matters related to the course one should contact the office of the Department of Oncology (Szpital MSWiA Al. Wojska Polskiego 37, telephone 89 539 83 10 from 9:00 to 14:30).
10. Regulations shall come into force upon signature by the Head of the Department.
dr n. med. Monika Rucińska