University of Warmia - Mazury in Olsztyn

Collegium Medicum

School of Medicine






  1. General informations

1.1   The subject is carried out by the department of emergency medicine

1.2   The course coordinator is Rakesh Jalali, MD PhD, specialist in emergency medicine and anaesthesiology and intensive care.

1.3   The place, time and subject of individual forms of classes and credits are specified in the following documents: study plan, syllabus, schedule and topic of classes.


  1. 2.      Subject is implemented in the form of lectures, seminars and practical classes.

Employeese responsible for lecture &seminars: Rakesh Jalali, MD PhD, classes: Szymon Musiał, MD,


  1. 3.      Before entering the practical classes the student is obliged to change his/her outfit and leave the outer garnents in the cloakroom. Students are expected to be punctual. During the classes the student should keep order and cleanliness, as well as care of appropriate behavior. Smoking and eating is prohibited.


  1. Class attendance, excuses and making up for absence
  2. The participation in seminars and practical classes and lectures is obligatory.
  3. All absences must be excused.
  4. Single absence due to the health-related problem is permitted.
  5. Student is obliged to present the sick-note to the Secretary’s Office.
  6. In the case of two and more absences student is obliged to retake the classes he/she has missed with other group and pass the topic in the oral form.
  7. The student is required to participate in the classes with his/her assigned group. In order to participate in classes with other group, the student must have Dean’s written approval.

5. Rules for passing individual forms of classes:

5.1  Lectures

  1. The participation in lectures is obligatory.
  2. The content of lectures supplements and extends the issues discussed in the seminars and practical classes. Knowledge from lectures will be assessed during final exam.

5.2   Classes

  1. The student is required to be prepared for each class. The material scheduled for the given class is presented on the university web side (Departmet of Emergency Medicine -> Students -> 1st Year ED -> First Aid -> Schedule). The teachers have the right to check the preparation of the student for the class and make an ‘pre’ test. The test can be oral or written. If the student is considered not  to he prepared, the teacher may not allow him/her to participate the class, indicating the form of retaking it.
  2. Information about the material scheduled for the given class must be available at the latest one week before the date of the class.

5.3  Seminars

  1. Seminars are held in the form of slide show presentation, as well as interactively with students.
  2. the subject coordinator / person responsible for the implementation of the seminar provides students with information about the material for the given seminar at least 2

weeks before the date of the seminars,

6.  The credit

1. Course is preceded by the credit which takes place prior to winter examination session.

  1. The credit is held in the form of written test (single choice question) as well as practical exam.
  2. Test contains 50 questions of which every question has only one correct answer. Passing treshhold is 60% of correct answers. Questions will contain material discussed during lectures, seminars and practical classes, as well as material covered in recommended literature. 
  3. Practical evaluation is considered to be assessment of cardiopulmonary resuscitation aquired during classes and includes the use of manikin & AED.
  4. The seminar  final grade is the grade for test .
  5. The classes grade is the grad for practical exam.
  6. Percentage grading scale:

< 60% -  2,0

60% - 70% - 3,0

71% - 79% - 3,5

80% - 85% - 4,0

85% - 92% - 4,5

92% - 100% - 5,0

8.  The student has the right to inspect his test after completing the credit by all groups


8. Academic rule of law and integrity

Use of any didactic teaching aids or communication devices during exam or tests is prohibited. Violation of this rule results in receiving an unsatisfactory grade - FAIL grade. 

9. Issues not regulated in the presented regulations of classes in the First Aid subject in the Department of Emergency Medicine remain the responsibility of the Head of the Department and Subject Coordinator- Rakesh Jalali MD

10. The classes are in accordance with the UWM Study Regulations and the procedures which are in force at the Faculty of Medicine.

11. The student is required to read the health and safety rules of the place of classes and the EU directive GDPR



All matters not included in the course regulations are decided by the Course Coordinator, upon written request of the student.

Regulations come in effect on the date of their publication.