Year I Semester II

Academic Year 2023-2024










Asepsis and antisepsis – preventing infections

  1. Ways of spreading cross-infections
  2. What is asepsis and antisepsis
  3. Hand washing
  4. Clean gloving and sterile gloving
  5. Practical part



Vital signs assessment

a.What are vital signs

b.Vital signs abnormalities – possible causes

c.Vital signs assessment with and without medical devices (pulse, blood pressure, AVPU, blood oxygenation, temperature)

d.Bedsite monitor data – interpretation

e.Practical part



Peripheral IV access

  1. Indications and contraindications to set up IV access
  2. Proper set up of an IV access
  3. IV therapy and possible complications
  4. Practical part



Peripheral IV access

  1. Indications and contraindications to set up IV access
  2. Proper set up of an IV access
  3. IV therapy and possible complications
  4. Practical part



Sprains, strains and fractures

  1. What is sprain, strain and fracture
  2. Sprain and strain management – RICE
  3. Assessment of a fractured limb – peripheral sensation, pulse, movement
  4. Immobilization of a fracture
  5. Practical part



Respiratory care

  1. Respiratory assessment: respiration rate, breathing circuit, blood oxygenation
  2. Oxygen implementation
  3. Set up, initiate and administer of nasal cannula, face mask, venti mask, nonrebreathing mask
  4. Practical part



Cardiac examination and ECG

  1. The surface markings of the heart (including apex and valves) and main vessels
  2. Checking pulse (radial, brachial, carotid, poplitea, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial)
  3. Performing ECG using limb leads
  4. Practical part