WNM, academic year 2024/2025; 5th study year
Semester X (summer) 2024/2025:
| Lectures | Seminars | Bedside teaching |
30 hours | 2 | 3 | 25 |
Internal transfer of half of the classes from the winter semester / approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine |
Initials of Professors:
Dr n. med. Wojciech Matuszewski (Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Żołnierska 18 Street)
seminar groups – 2 bedside teaching groups – 14
Lectures: (2h) sala 3 WSS
Date lecture | Lecturer | Topic |
23.04.2025 14:00-15:30 (2h) | WM (2h) | Thyroid and parathyroid gland diseases. |
Seminars: *room nr 3 Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Olsztynie Żołnierska 18 Street
Gr. 1 (1a,1b,2a): 10:00-12:15 16.04.2025 r. *
Gr. 2 (3a,3b+ERASMUS): godz. 10:00-12:15 23.04.2025 r.*
Classes 8:30-12:15 (5h) Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Żołnierska 18 Street
Rotation plan between departments bedside teaching:
| Group 1a,3b | Group | Group |
WM | 24-30.04.2025 | 6-12.05.2025 | 14-20.05.2025 |
Seminars (6h)
- Pituitary gland diseases and adrenal gland diseases.
- Osteoporosis and neuroendocrine tumors.
Topics of Bedside teaching
Diabetology and endocrinology 25h
- Thyroid gland dysfunction
- Graves' disease - (definition and etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, differentiation, treatment, prognosis). Thyroid orbitopathy. Toxic and non toxic nodular goiter. Thyroid cancer. Thyroiditis.
- Thyroiditis and thyroid cancers.
- Hyperaldosteronism, Cushing syndrome, Addison disease.
- Adrenal gland incidentaloma. Adrenal gland cancer. MEN syndromed. Hypo- and hyperparathyreoidism.
- Pituitary tumors.
- Hormonally active and inactive pituitary gland tumors.
- Hormonal disorders of ovaries with women: primary and secondary amenorrhea, polycystic ovary syndrome. Tumors of ovaries. Disorders of perimenopausal and postmenopausal period.
- Primary and secondary hormonal disorders of testes with men. Neoplasms of testicles. Gynecomastia.
- Water-electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders: dehydration, overhydration, hypo and hypernatremia, hypo and hyperkalemia, hypo and hypermagnesemia, hypo- and hypercalcemia, hypo- and hyperphosphatemia; acidosis and alkalosis.
- Metabolic diseases of bone: osteomalacia, osteoporosis – determinants of peak bone mass and density, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, FRAX; primary and secondary osteoporosis; prophylaxis of osteoporosis.
- Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine. Siegenthaler W., Thieme - 2011
- Clinical medicine. Kumar & Clarks Saunders – Elsevier, 2009
- Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine. Boone N.A., Colledge N.R – Editors, Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2010
- Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD - Goldman's Cecil Medicine. Saunders 2012
TEST 23.05.2025 17:45 Library 306 and 307
*The schedule is based on the schedule posted on the department's website, which is the primary source for students to obtain information on when and where teaching activities take place.
WL, academic year 2024/2025; 5th study year
Semester X (summer) 2024/2025
| Lectures | Seminars | Bedside teaching |
41hours | 13 | 28 | 0 |
Initials of Professors:
dr hab.n. med. M. Krajewska-Włodarczyk – MKW; Rheumatology WardMunicipal Hospital – Szpital Miejski Al. Wojska Polskiego 30, 10-045 Olsztyn
dr n. med. T. Arłukowicz – TA; Department of Internal Medicine Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn
dr hab. n. med. Jarosław Daniluk (JD) online seminars
dr n. med. Janusz Hałka – JH; Clinic Ward Hematology MSW al. Wojska Polskiego 37
dr hab. n. med. Adam Kern, prof. UWM - AK Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn
prof. A. Doboszyńska – AD; Department of Pulmonology and Infectiology, Warmia-Masuria Center for Lung Diseases – Warmińsko-Mazurskie Centrum Chorób Płuc Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn
seminar groups – 3
Lectures: (13h) All students
all Students
Date lecture | Lecturer | Topic |
31.03.25 14.30-16.00 WSS room 7
| AK (2h) | Myocardial infarction. Coronary artery disease. Acquired and inherited valvular heart diseases in adults. Chronic heart failure. |
14.04.25 14.45-16.15 WSS room 7
| AK (2h) | Myocarditis Pericarditis |
28.04.25 14.00-15.30 WSS room 7 | AK (2h) | Infectious endocarditis Heart rhythm disorders |
19.03.25 14.45-16.15 MSWiA Hospital lecture room II floor | JH (2h) | Diagnosis and treatment of hematogenic malignancies. Diagnosis of anemia. Bleeding disorders. |
23.04.24 CSM 100D | MK-W (2h) | Signs symptoms and general characteristics of rheumatoid diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis. |
25.03.25 15.30-17.45 CSM 100D
| AD (3h) | Sleep respiratory disorders. |
Seminars: (28h)
Group 1 (1+2)
AD -18.03, 15.04, 06.05 h 15.30-17.00 CSM 100 D
JD - 24.02 h. 11.00-13.15 online seminar
09.04 h 12.30-14.45 online seminar
JH – 29.04, 27.05 h 16.30-18.00 MSWiA Hospital lecture room II floor
MKW – 25.03 h 13.00-14.30; 26.03; h 12.45-14.15 Seminar room, Municipal Hospital, Wojska Polskiego 30 Street
AK– 24.02 godz. 14.00-15.30 WSS room 7
28.04 godz. 15.45 – 17.15 WSS room 7
26.05, 09.06 godz. 14.45-16.15 WSS room 7
Group 3
AD - 28.03 h 12.30-14.00, 01.04, 29.04 godz. 15.30-17.00 CSM 100D
JD – 18.03 h 11.00-13.15 online seminar
24.04 h 12.30-14.45 online seminar
JH – 18.03 h 17.15-18.45 MSWiA Hospital lecture room II floor
15.04 h 16.30-18.00 MSWiA Hospital lecture room II floor
MKW – 06.05, 13.05 h 13.15-14.45 Seminar room, Municipal Hospital, Wojska Polskiego 30 Street
AK– 05.05, 19.05, 02.06.05 godz. 13.15-14.45 WSS room 7
12.05 godz. 12.45-14.15 WSS room 7
Cardiology 8h – 4x 2h
1.Pathophysiology of coronary artery atherosclerosis.
2. Epidemiology of coronary heart disease. Risk factors – primary and secondary prevention.
3. Clinical aspects of coronary heart disease. Diagnosis and treatment.
4. Pathophysiology of myocardial infarction (STEMI and NSTEMI).
5. Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in life threatening conditions in cardiology.
6.Acquired valvular heart diseases: clinical presentation.
7.Inherited valvular heart diseases in adults: clinical presentation.
8.Clinical diagnosis of chronic heart failure.
9.Infectious diseases of the heart.
10.Heart pacing – indications and techniques.
11.Syncope – differential diagnosis and algorithms
Pulmonology 6h – 3 x 2h
1. Pneumonia
2. Covid-19, symptoms, treatment, complications.
3. Interstitial diseases of the lungs.
4. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases.
5. Acute and chronic respiratory failure.
6. Rare diseases of respiratory system.
Gastroenterology 6h (2 x 3h):
1. Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease
2. Celiac disease. Bacterial overgrowth syndrome.
3. Irritable bowel syndrome. Diverticular disease of the large intestine. Intestinal ischemia
4. Bleeding from the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract
Hematology 4h (2 x 2h):
- Diagnosis and treatment of thrombocytopenia.
- Lymphomas.
- Myelodysplastic syndromes.
Rheumatology 4h (2 x 2h):
- Systemic connective tissue disorders: SLE, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica.
- Spondyloarthropathies.
- Osteoarthritis, gout and other pathologies secondary to crystal deposition within joints and tissues.
- Acute and life-threatening situations in rheumatoid disease. Paraneoplastic syndromes in rheumatology.
- Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine. Siegenthaler W., Thieme - 2011
- Clinical medicine. Kumar & Clarks Saunders – Elsevier, 2009
- Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine. Boone N.A., Colledge N.R – Editors, Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2010
- Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD - Goldman's Cecil Medicine. Saunders 2012