prof. T. Stompór – TS (Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Żołnierska 18 Street)
- Symptoms and signs in cardiovascular medicine.
- Clinical symptomatology of the hematological diseases.
- Ascites. Symptoms and signs in renal disorders.
dr n. med. Wojciech Matuszewski - WM; Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn, 3rd floor
1. Clinical signs and symptoms in endocrine and metabolism system diseases.
2. Neurological disturbances in internal medicine.
1. Headaches, vertigo, impaired balance, sense organs disorders- when and whom to ask for advice?
2. Consciousness disturbances
3. Dyspnea and cyanosis
4. Chest pain. What to do after history taking and physical examination?
5. Abnormal ECG
6. Colic, ‘acute abdomen’, abdominal pain – who and when should be asked for consultation.
7. How to proceed with patient with fever.
8. Anaemias; haemostatic, thrombotic and myeloproliferative disorders – the basics
9. Joint pains, arthralgias. Disorders of musculosceletal system.
10. Water balance disturbances
1.Patient with sensual and consciousness disorders
2.Patient with valvular heart disease; acute coronary syndrome, chronic and acute heart failure.
3. Patient with chest pain, dysponoe, hemoptysis
4.Patient with asthma, COPD, pneumonia.
5. Patient with abdominal tumor and peritonitis signs.
6.Differential diagnosis of fever
7.Generalized and localized edema. Oliguria and anuria.
8.Patient with hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy.
9.Patient with inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of musculoskeletal system
10. Overview of history taking, physical assessment and differential diagnosis in internal medicine.
WL, academic year 2024/2025; 3rd study year, semester VI (summer)
3rd study year; academic year 2024/2025 | lectures | seminars | classes |
semester VI |
Internal medicine | 10 | 10 | 40 |
Initials of the Professors:
dr hab. n. med. L. Gromadziński, prof. UWM - LG 2nd Clinic of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, -Szpital Uniwersytecki Warszawska 30 Street) 3rd floor
prof. A. Doboszyńska – AD; Department of Pulmonology, Warmia- and Masuria Center for Lung Diseases Warmińsko-Mazurskie Centrum Chorób Płuc, Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn
prof. T. Stompór – TS (Clinic of Nephrology, Hypertension and Internal Medicine Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny Żołnierska 18 Street)
dr n. med. T. Arłukowicz – TA; Department of Internal Medicine Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn
dr n. med. Wojciech Matuszewski – WM; Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn, 3rd floor
Number of seminar groups –2, in classes – 5
Organization of the study in semester VI:
LECTURES*: all Students
date | Lectures | Subject |
24.02.25 h 14.45-16.15 WSS | TS (2h)
| Symptoms and signs in cardiovascular medicine
03.03.25 h 13.30-15.45 WSS | TS (3h)
| Clinical symptomatology of the hematological diseases. Ascites. Symptoms and signs in renal disorders
08.05.25 h 15.15-17.30 CSM 100D | AD (3h)
| Clinical signs and symptoms in respiratory system diseases. Part 1. Clinical signs and symptoms in respiratory system diseases. Part 2 |
06.03.25 h 14.00-15.30 WSS | WM (2h) | Clinical signs and symptoms in endocrine and metabolism system diseases. Neurological disturbances in internal medicine. |
Seminar group:
AD: Gr 1a,1b,2a 31.03 h 13.00-15.45; 14.04 h 13.00-15.30; 17.04 h 13.45-15.00 CSM Lecture Hall
15.04 h 7.15 - 8.30
Gr 3a,3b 25.03 h 10.00-12.30; 27.03 h 11.00-13.30; 01.04 h 10.00-12.30
AD seminars on chosen Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 07:15-08:30; classes: 09:00-12:00
classes - 4 hours: LG 08.45-12.00 (if with 15 min break);
AD 9.00-12.00
WL, academic year 2024/2025; 3rd study year, semester VI (summer)
semester VI
| working days: |
| Gr 1a 31.03-09.04.25 |
Gr 1b 10.04-28.04 | |
Gr 2a 29.04-14.05 | |
Gr 3b 03.04-17.04 | |
AD | Gr 3a 15.04-28.05
Topics of the seminars and classes
Seminars: 10 hours
1. Headaches, vertigo, impaired balance, sense organs disorders- when and whom to ask for advice?
2. Consciousness disturbances
3. Dyspnea and cyanosis
4. Chest pain. What to do after history taking and physical examination?
5. Abnormal ECG
6. Colic, ‘acute abdomen’, abdominal pain – who and when should be asked for consultation.
7. How to proceed with patient with fever.
8. Anaemias; haemostatic, thrombotic and myeloproliferative disorders – the basics
9. Joint pains, arthralgias. Disorders of musculosceletal system.
10. Water balance disturbances
Classes: 40 hours
1. Patient with sensual and consciousness disorders
2. Patient with valvular heart disease; acute coronary syndrome, chronic and acute heart failure.
3. Patient with chest pain, dysponoe, hemoptysis
4.Patient with asthma, COPD, pneumonia.
5. Patient with abdominal tumor and peritonitis signs.
6. Differential diagnosis of fever
7. Generalized and localized edema. Oliguria and anuria.
8. Patient with hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy.
9. Patient with inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of musculoskeletal system
10. Overview of history taking, physical assessment and differential diagnosis in internal medicine.
Basic literature:
- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills. Thomas J., Monaghan T. – Editors; Oxford Unversity Press 2011
- Macleod’s Clinical Examination. Douglas G., Nicol F., Robertson C – Editors; Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2011
- Clinical Examination. Epstein O., Perkin G.D. et.el. – Editors, Mosby – Elsevier, 2008
Literature for 4th and 5th study year:
- Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine. Siegenthaler W., Thieme - 2011
- Clinical medicine. Kumar & Clarks Saunders – Elsevier, 2009
- Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine. Boone N.A., Colledge N.R – Editors, Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2010