Family Medicine 1/2

School of Medicine, Collegium Medicum

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


1. General information

1.1. Classes are carried out by the Family Medicine Unit.

1.2. Employees responsible for the implementation of the subject:

a. Head of the department; M.D. Ph.D. Jerzy Romaszko

b. Course coordinator; M.D. Ph.D. Jerzy Romaszko

c. People responsible for carrying out the practise

  • dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Romaszko, prof. UWM - PANTAMED NZOZ, ul. Pana Tadeusza 6, Olsztyn
  • dr n. med. Rafał Skutecki - NZOZ OL-MED, ul. Wyszyńskiego 16, Olsztyn
  • dr n. med. Marcin Straburzyński - Przychodnia ELMED ORZYNY, Orzyny 32, Dźwierzuty
  • lek. Sebastian Bilski - Przychodnia Medicus Filia w Bisztynku, ul. T. Kościuszki 5
  • lek. Sebastian Borowicz-Skoneczny - PANTAMED NZOZ, ul. Pana Tadeusza 6, Olsztyn       
  • lek. Małgorzata Konrad - POZ Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny, Al. Warszawska 30, Olsztyn               
  • lek. Michał Ochal -  Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Marek Reza, ul. Korczaka 10, Olsztyn   
  • lek. Krzysztof Pietrończyk - PANTAMED NZOZ, ul. Pana Tadeusza 6, Olsztyn                                      
  • lek. Marek Sova - Zespół Publicznych Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej, ul. Chopina 11, Olsztynek                                                                                 
  • lek. Kornelia Tokarczyk-Malesa - PANTAMED NZOZ, ul. Pana Tadeusza 6, Olsztyn   


1.3 The place, time and subject of individual forms of classes and credits are specified in the following documents: study plan, syllabus, schedule and topic of classes.

2. The didactic classes take the form of lectures, seminars and clinical practices. Classes take place in GP practices during the admission of patients by the doctor.

 3. Rules of student participation in specific forms of classes

3.1. During classes changing shoes, having an identifier, medical apron and stethoscope is mandatory.

3.2. The student is obliged to participate in the classes with the students group where he was assigned.

3.3.Punctuality applies to students and assistants conducting clinical classes.

3.4 During classes it is forbidden to:

  • use mobile phones, other audio-visual devices, recording sound, filming
  • or photographing
  • bring and eat meals or drink,
  • enter classes by bystanders,
  • during classes at the patient's bed or clinical demonstrations, students are obliged to respect the patient's rights, in particular the right to privacy and respect for their dignity.


4 Class attendance, justification and making up for absence.

  • Presence in all forms of classes is obligatory.
  • All absences must be excused.
  • Determining the admissible number of all justified absences from individual forms of classes, including credits and exams - two absences from classes are allowed (sick leave, taking up classes with the assistant conducting the practices or the head of the facility).
  • Procedure in the case of unjustified absence - one-time unjustified presence - as above; multiple absence results in failing the subject.


5. Rules for passing individual forms of classes:

5.1. Lectures

  1. the material carried out during lectures falls within the thematic scope of the subject exam / semester credit
  2. for the material carried out during the lectures - getting credit and test exam, first term; second term -  depending on the number of people - oral or test form,

5.2. Classes

  • students participate in admissions of patients in primary care, the ability to collect an interview in a targeted manner is required, knowledge of the basics of physical examination, interpretation of test results, the ability to prescribe basic drugs (primarily antibiotics and NSAIDs),
  • form of credit (oral),
  • in the event of failure in completion the material of current practices, the student is obliged to participate in additional individual practices at the head of department
  • final credit is based on the average of partial grades

5.3. Seminars – the same rules as lectures

6. Exam & semester credit

Test - 60% for passing, 75% for good note, 90% very good

Information about the number of exams / semester credits which the student has the right to take – exams will be performed according to schedule in the USOS system.

7. Determining the rules for access to individual forms of credit - after telephone or e-mail arrangements at the secretariat of the Family Medicine Department.

Academic rule of law and integrity:

We expect medical students to respect the principles of integrity and the rule of law.

Violation of the principle of honesty, cheating, cheating in colloquia or final exam will be reported to the Dean for Student Affairs. It is forbidden during the colloquium, exam to use mobile phones, transfer information etc. Bags, backpacks are always placed in one place.

8. Issues not regulated in the presented regulations of the subject of Family Medicine are under the responsibility of the Head of the Department M.D. Ph.D. Jerzy Romaszko (

9. The rules of classes are in accordance with the UWM Studies Regulations and   the procedures of Faculty of Medicine.

10. The student is required to familiarize with the principles of health and safety at the place of classes and the EU directive GDPR (if justified, e.g. clinical subjects).