Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Roslan- Warmia and Mazury Oncology Center of the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Olsztyn (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37, 10-228 Olsztyn). Clinical Department of Urology, 3rd floor. Please arrange the date by phone- 089-539-85-03



dr n. med. Maciej PrzudzikWarmia and Mazury Oncology Center of the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Olsztyn (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37, 10-228 Olsztyn). Clinical Department of Urology, 3rd floor. Please arrange the date by phone- 089- 089-539-85-03


dr n. med.  Roman Łesiów- Warmia and Mazury Oncology Center of the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Olsztyn (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37, 10-228 Olsztyn). Clinical Department of Urology, 3rd floor. Please arrange the date by phone- 089- 089-539-85-03

Lek. Michał BorowikWarmia and Mazury Oncology Center of the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Olsztyn (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37, 10-228 Olsztyn). Clinical Department of Urology, 3rd floor. Please arrange the date by phone- 089- 089-539-85-03

Lek. Mirosław Łesiów-Warmia and Mazury Oncology Center of the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Olsztyn (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37, 10-228 Olsztyn). Clinical Department of Urology, 3rd floor. Please arrange the date by phone- 089- 089-539-85-03