HEAD OF DEPARTMENT-  Hanna Zajączkiewicz  MD, PhD

Subjects coordinator: 

Natalia Jarmołowicz-Aniołkowska , MD


  1. Subject "Otorhinolaryngology" includes courses in otorhinolaryngology  for fourth year medicine students and  takes place during the winter semester.
  2. All classes are held according to the schedule provided in the timetable. The place of classes is specified in the schedule. 
  3. Classes include lectures, seminars and exercises.


  • § Lectures
  1. Lectures are conducted by Andrzej Kukwa MD, PhD.
  2. Lectures are held at fixed locations and times specified in the schedule provided for the whole year. 
  3. The contents of the lectures are necessary to achieve the desired effects of education. Knowledge of their content is evaluated on the final exam. 
  4. Lectures are conducted in a form of oral presentations using multimedia presentations. 
  5. Participation in the lectures is mandatory. Any absence needs to be excused within 7 days. In case of excused absence student is required to pass orally the content of the abandoned subject after a prior appointment with the lecturer.


  • § Seminars and exercises
  1. Before starting the classes student should be familiar with these regulations and adhere to its decisions. This is confirmed by signing a relevant statement prior to the first class.
  2. The teacher is obliged to acquaint students with the regulations prior to the first class.
  3. The teacher is obliged to acquaint students with health and safety regulations as well as GDPR prior to the first class.
  4. The student is obliged to comply with the regulations of the center, which hosts classes.
  5. Before entering the class outer garments as well as jewelry should be left in the locker room. Student is obliged to obtain a doctor's white coat, footwear and the identification card. 
  6. All classes are held according to the schedule provided in the timetable. Students and tutors apply punctuality. 
  7. The seminars are held in the form of a slide show, as well as the interaction with the students. Classes take the form of practical teaching with the patients. Clinical rotation ends with a practical skills test, which takes place during the last day of the exercises.
  8. The seminars are cundected by Natalia Jarmołowicz-Aniołkowska, MD and Katarzyna Zasadzińska-Stempień, MD.
  9. The practical classes are held by Andrzej Kukwa, MD PhD, Natalia Jarmołowicz-Aniołkowska, MD, Katarzyna Zasadzińska-Stempień, MD and Bartosz Karwat, MD.
  10. In place of classes students should maintain order and cleanliness. Smoking or eating is not allowed. 
  11. During the classes it is not allowed to use any sort of electronic devices such as cellphone, ipad, laptop, any sort of recording devices.
  12. Student participating in the clinical exercises must have a basic knowledge on anatomy and physiology of the ear, nose, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, neck, and cranial nerves. He/She should be familiar with the material from current as well as from all previous classes. 
  13. The student is required to attend the classes with a group of students, to which he is assigned. 
  14. Attendance at exercises and seminars is mandatory. One excused absence is allowed during the academic year. In the case of excused absence student is required to pass orally the content of the abandoned subject and make up class after a prior appointment with the assistant doctor. The student is obliged to make up for the absence in the same semester in which he left the classes.
  15. Head of the subject after each semester will receive a list of attendees and a list of students who have not fulfilled the above conditions under which it is possible to complete the course. 


  • § Credit
  1. The course ends with a final exam in a form of a written test, which takes place before the start of the summer examination session.
  1. The completion of the otorhinolaryngology is based on
  • attendance on all clinical exercises, seminars and lectures
  • positive result in practical skills test held during the last day of clinical rotation
  • positive result in final exam
  1. Student needs to have full attendance on clinical exercises, seminars and lectures in order to write the final exam.
  2. Use of any aids and means of communication during the final exam is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition will automatically fail the test.
  3. Final grade is based on final test result.
  4. Assessment is carried out in written form - multiple choice test consisting of 40 questions. Passing the test is possible after obtaining 65% of correct answers. The final test includes material presented in the course during the classes and literature given by the teachers. 
  5. In case of failing the test student has the right to 2 retakes of the final exam. 

Percentage of correct answers








72- 78%







Any problems or queries that are not mentioned in the above regulations will be solved by the Head of the Department.

In case of questions regarding the subject, please contact secretary office.