- Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.
- Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS: preparation, course, indications, contraindications.
- Radiological examinations in pathologies of the digestive system.
WL, academic year 2024/2025; 6th study year
Semester XII (summer) 2024/2025:
| Lectures | Seminars | Bedside teaching |
150 hours | 0 | 0 | 150 |
Initials of Professors:
dr hab. n. med. L. Gromadziński, prof. UWM - LG 2nd Clinic of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, -Szpital Uniwersytecki Warszawska 30 Street) 3rd floor
prof. A. Doboszyńska – AD; Department of Pulmonology Warmia and Mazury Center for Lung Diseases – Warmińsko-Mazurskie Centrum Chorób Płuc, Jagiellońska 78 Str., 10-357 Olsztyn
dr hab. n. med. M .Krajewska-Włodarczyk, prof. UWM- MK-W; Rheumatology WardMunicipal Hospital – Szpital Miejski Al. Wojska Polskiego 30
dr n. med. T. Arłukowicz – TA; Department of Internal Medicine Voivodeship Hospital - Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul. Żołnierska 18, 10-561 Olsztyn
dr n. med. Piotr Cygański - PC (1st Clinic of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, Miejski Szpital Zespolony, Niepodległości 44 Street)
Bedside teaching groups –8
8.00-13.00 (6 hours) bedside teaching in respective Departments (including two 15- minute break)
Rotation plan between departments bedside teaching in Semester XII:
| Group 1a,1b | Group 2a,2b | Group 3a,3b | Group 4a,4b | Group 5a, 5b
PC 08:00-13.00 | 24.03-02.04
| 03.04-14.04
| 15.04-29.04 | 4a-14-23.05 | 30.04-13.05 |
MKW 08.00-13.00 | 14-16.04; 24-25.04 | 21-27.05 | 07-13.05 | 28.04-06.05 | 14-20.05 |
AD 08.00-13.00 | 09-13.06 | 30.04-08.05 | 3a 09.06-13.06 3b 14.05-20.05 | 4a 24.02-28.02 4b 02.06-06.06 | 21-27.05 |
TA 8.00-13.00
| 09-11.04 | 25-29.04 | 30.04-06.05 | 07-09.05 | 14-16.04 |
JH 8.00-12.30
| 1a-24-26.02 1b-27.02-03.03 | 2a-04-06.03 2b-07-11.03 | 3a-12-14.03 3b-17-19.03 | 4a-20-24.03 4b-28.03-01.04 | 5a-25-27.03 5b-02-04.04 |
LG 8.00-13.00 | - | - | - | 4b-17.03-26.03
| - |
Topics of Bedside teaching:
Pulmonology (30h – 5 days 08.00-13.00):
- Tuberculosis: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
- Patient with chronic respiratory failure.
- Patient with pneumonia.
- Patient with COPD and asthma.
- Diagnosis of cough.
- Indications for lung transplantation
- Rare lung diseases.
Cardiology (54h – 8 days 08.00-13.00, last classes 8.00-13.15):
- Valvular heart diseases
- Atrial fibrillation and supraventricular tachycardia
- Syncope - diagnosis and treatment, conduction disorders
- Chronic heart failure
- Sudden cardiac arrest and indications for ICD
- Electrical cardioversion and indications for permanent heart pacing
- Myocarditis
- Infective endocarditis and acute and chronic pericarditis
- Differentiation of arrhythmias - the basics
Rheumatology (30h –5 days 08.00-13.00):
- Principles of history taking and clinical evaluation of patient with rheumatoid disease. Interpretation of lab tests and imaging techniques in rheumatology.
- Seronegative spondyloarthropaties; arthroses; gout, osteoporosis.
- 3. Physical therapy in rheumatology. Autoimmune diseases of connective tissue: SLE, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyalgia rheumatica.
Hematology (18h - 3 days):
- Diagnosis and treatment of thrombocytopenia.
- Lymphomas.
- 3. Myelodysplastic syndromes.
Gastroenterology (18h – 3 x 6h):
- Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
- Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS: preparation, course,
indications, contraindications
- Radiological examinations in pathologies of the digestive system
- Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine. Siegenthaler W., Thieme - 2011
- Clinical medicine. Kumar & Clarks Saunders – Elsevier, 2012
- Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine. Boone N.A., Colledge N.R – Editors, Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2022
- Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD - Goldman's Cecil Medicine. Saunders 2012