SUBJECT MATTER CONTENT LECTURE Nephrotic syndrome. Primary glomerular disease. Primary hypertension. Secondary hypertension: renal parenchymal hypertension and renovascular hypertension. CLASSES Chronic glomerular disease. Nephrotic syndrome and non-nephrotic proteinuria. Microhematuria and hematuria. Presentation of kidney biopsy. TEACHING OBJECTIVE Etiology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases (nephrotic syndrome, CKD, acute kidney injury, primary and secondary glomerulonephritis). DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE IN RELATION TO THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SECOND LEVEL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR QUALIFICATIONS AT LEVELS 6-8 OF THE POLISH QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK IN RELATION TO THE SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES AND THE EFFECTS FOR FIELDS OF STUDY: Symbols for outcomes related to the discipline: | M/NM+++ | Symbols for outcomes related to the field of study: | M/NM_E.W40.+, E.U24.+, E.U32.+, K.2.+, E.U14.+, K.3.+, K.1.+, M/NM_E.W41.+, E.U3.+, K.5.+, E.U1.+, M/NM_E.W7.+, E.U16.+, E.U13.+, M/NM_E.W42.+, M/NM_E.W1.+, E.U29.+, E.U30.+ |
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge: W1 – The student knows and understands the environmental and epidemiological basis of renal diseases | W2 – The student knows and understands etiology, signs, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and therapy in renal diseases and their complications | W3 – The student knows the theoretical and practical basis of laboratory diagnostics in the most common renal diseases | W4 – The student knows and understands the possibilities and limitations of laboratory tests in emergencies | W5 – The student identifies indications for monitored therapy in renal diseases. |
Skills: U1 – The student takes medical history in an adult patient | U2 – The student performs a complete and targeted physical examination of an adult patient | U3 – The student assesses and describes somatic and psychological status of the patient | U4 – The student diagnoses life-threatening conditions | U5 – The student plans diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic activities | U6 – The patient interprets laboratory test results, explains abnormal results in renal diseases | U7 – The student perform basic medical procedures and treatments, including: body temperature measurement, heart rate measurement, non-invasive blood pressure measurement, monitoring of vital signs with a cardiomonitor, pulse oximetry, spirometric test, oxygen treatment, assisted and replacement ventilation, oropharyngeal tube insertion, intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, peripheral venous cannulation, peripheral venous blood collection, blood culture collection, arterial blood collection, arterialized capillary blood collection, nasal, throat and skin swab collection, puncture of the pleural cavity, bladder catheterization in women and men, gastric dipping, gastric lavage, enema, standard resting electrocardiogram with interpretation, electrical cardioversion, cardiac defibrillation, simple test strips and blood glucose measurement | U8 – The student assists in the following medical procedures and procedures: transfusion of blood and blood products, drainage of the pleural cavity, puncture of the pericardial sac, puncture of the peritoneal cavity, lumbar puncture, fine needle biopsy, epidermal tests, intradermal and scarification tests and interpret their results | U9 – The student properly plans consultations with specialists |
Social competence: K1 – The student is ready to establish and maintain a deep and respectful contact with the patient, as well as to show understanding for worldview and cultural differences | K2 – The student is ready to be guided by the good of the patient | K3 – The student is ready to respect medical confidentiality and patient rights | K4 – The student is aware of own limitations and the is able to continually improve education |
TEACHING FORMS AND METHODS: Lecture(W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U3;U4;U5;U6;K4;):Presentation lectures on nephrology | Seminar(W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U1;U3;U4;U5;U6;U9;K4;):Detailed aspects of nephrology | Classes(W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9;K1;K2;K3;K4;):Practical classes - Bedside teaching on nephrology, |
FORM AND CONDITIONS OF VERIFYING LEARNING OUTCOMES: Seminar: Evaluation of the work and cooperation in the group - credit based on presence and activity (W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9;K1;K2;K3;K4;); | Lecture: Part in the discussion - credit based on presence and activity (W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9;K1;K2;K3;K4;); | Classes: Colloquium test - Colloquium test - Nephrology test, 30 questions. (W1;W2;W3;W4;W5;U1;U2;U3;U4;U5;U6;U7;U8;U9;K1;K2;K3;K4;); |
BASIC LITERATURE: 1. Siegenthaler W, Differential Diagnosis in Internal Medicine, Wyd. Thieme, R. 2011 | 2. Kumar Clarks Saunders , Clinical medicine, Wyd. Elevier, R. 2009 | 3. Boone N.A., Colledge N.R, Davidson’s Principles Practice of Medicine., Wyd. Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, R. 2010 |
SUPPLEMENTARY LITERATURE: 1. 4. Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD , Goldman's Cecil Medicine, Wyd. Saunders, R. 2012 |
| Legal acts specifying learning outcomes: 672/2020 Disciplines: medical sciences Status of the course:Obligatoryjny Group of courses:B - przedmioty kierunkowe Code: ISCED 0912 Field of study:Medicine Scope of education: Profile of education: General academic Form of studies: full-time Level of studies: uniform master's studies Year/semester: 4/7 |
Types of classes: Lecture, Seminar, Classes Number of hours in semester:Lecture: 4.00, Seminar: 3.00, Classes: 25.00 Language of instruction:English Introductory subject: Prerequisites: background of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, knowledge of internal medicine (history taking and physical examination) |
Name of the organisational unit conducting the course:Katedra Kardiologii i Chorób Wewnętrznych Person responsible for the realization of the course:dr n. med. Piotr Cygański e-mail: |