Course: English division
1. General informations
1.1 All classes are held at time specified in the schedule, for the whole course. Students are obliged to participate in classes with student’s group, that were assigned to.
1.1. Lecturer resposible for subject:
- a. Head of Department: Prof. dr hab. med. Tomasz Stompór
- b. Coordinator of subject: Prof. dr hab. med. Tomasz Stompór
- c. Coordinator responsible for classes: Dr med. Grzegorz Charliński
2. Types of activities:
2.1. Classes only
2.2. Place, time and topics of classes and credits are specified in the following documents: study plan, syllabus, schedule and topics of classes.
3. Principles of participation in classes
3.1. Before the classes the student is obliged to change his/her outfit and leave them in locker room.
3.2. Eating, chewing gum and smoking are prohibited during the classes .
4. Attendance at classes, possibilities to justify and make up for absences:
4.1. Participation in classes is obligatory. One excused absence per academic year is allowed. All absences must be excused.
4.2. In case of 2 or more excused absences student is obliged to get oral credit for missed topic and make up missed classes with another group in the same semester. The date(s) should be arranged with teacher. Lack of the credit for missed classes results in preclusion to final credit
4.3. In the case of the Student's unjustified absence – decision about credit and method of its getting is made by the course coordinator.
4.4. The student is required to be prepared for each class, from the material scheduled for the given class and from the material discussed previously. The teachers will evaluate student’s activities and achievements. The teacher has the right to check the preparation of the student for the class and make an ‘entry’ test. The test can be oral or written. If the student is considered not prepared, the teacher may not allow him/her to participate in the class, indicating the form of retaking it.
4.6. At the end of the semester, the coordinator of the subject will receive attendance lists and a list of students who have not met the above-mentioned conditions, on the basis of which it is possible not to be allowed to pass the course.
5. Conditions necessary for completing the course:
5.1. The course ends with a graded credit.
5.2. The final grade consists of:
- grade for oral presentation
- grade for the poster
- activity during classes
6. All matters not included in the course regulations are decided by the Subject Coordinator, upon written request of the student. Should it be impossible to take a formal decision - the decision will be made by the Dean of English Division.
7. The above rugulation is compliant with the General Study Regulations obligatory in the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and other procedures of the Medical Faculty.
Subject coordinator
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Stompór