Oncological Surgery

5th year

The subject coordinator and teacher is dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Zadrożny, prof. UWM


Cours consists of:

- Lectures

- Seminars

- Practical classes

  1. Lectures, seminars and practical classes take place in University Hospital (al. Warszawska 30) at Medical Simulation Centre and in MSWiA Hospital at Warmińsko-Mazurskie Oncology Centre (ul. Wojska Polskiego 37). Groups can have classes in all of these locations alternatively.
    Taping, recording and photographing is prohibited.
  2. Practical classes are carried out based on curricula and plans of study. Students are obliged to attend classes according to curricula and group to which they are assigned.

Topics of forms of classes are determined by: syllabus and class schedule.

  1. Students should leave their jackets and cloaks in the cloakroom before entering the classes. Protective or two-part „surgical” cloathing is obligatory during the classes. Aprons or short sleeve cloathing are preffered. All cloathes should remain clean and neat. Students are required to wear their personal identifier at all time.  Students may not be permitted to participate in classes without the proper cloathing and consequently will  have to retake the classes in some other time.
  2. Students are obliged to keep their surrouding clean at all time. Smoking is prohibited in all hospital facilities. Students can have their meals only during break time.
  3. Students must follow general safety rules (BHP) during all classes.
  4. Students can stay in the seminar room only with the instructor. Students cannot leave the class without the instructor’s permission. Practical classes take place in individual hospital departments. During classes in operating rooms students have to follow special safety rules (sterile shoes, masks and caps).
  5. Students are obliged to be prepared for each class with materials and knowledge specified in the curriculum. The instructor is allowed to check the level of students’ knowledge with a written or an oral test.
  6. The instructor is allowed to exclude student from a certain class if he/she will not pass the test. In such case the instructor will inform the student on how to make up for the missed classes.
  7. Attendance on practical classes is mandatory. Student is allowed to have only one absence during whole academic year. Each absence must be justified and made up for in a form specified by the instructor.
  8. In case of 2 and more absences student is obliged to pass an oral test from the material presented on the missed classes and retake the classes with a different group. Student has to make up for the missed classes by the end of the current semester.
  9. Any form of cheating during final exams is highly prohibited, will be noted in student’s personal record, and will result in disqualification from the class.
  10. Requirements for passing:

-          Attendance at all classes

-          Passing the final exams


  1. Grade system:

- Excellent - (5,0)

- Very Good - (4,5)

-  Good - (4,0)

- Good Enough - (3,5)

- Satisfactory - (3,0)

- Unsatisfactory - (2,0)

14. Final evaluation and pass is made upon the given rules by the adequate instructor.





15.The exam consists of:

-      Practical part

-      Written test part

16.The exam is conducted by the leading instructor. The instructor is obligated to put the grades in the practical exam forms.

17.Single-choice test

The students should have minimum 60% of the points from the written part in order to get a pass.

18.All matters not covered by this document will be settled by the Head of Unit.

19. The regulations of classes are in accordance with the UWM Study Regulations and the procedures in force at the Faculty of Medicine.

20. The student is required to read the health and safety rules at the place of classes and the EU directive of the GDPR




                                                                      Dr hab. n. med. Dariusz Zadrożny, prof. UWM