dr n. med. Aleksandra Sejda

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Collegium Medicum
Wydział Lekarski
Katedra Patomorfologii i Medycyny Sądowej
10-561 Olsztyn, ul. Żołnierska 18
2025 r.
Sigorski Dawid, Sejda Aleksandra, Abualsaud Nouran, Krawczyk Ewa, Iżycka-Świeszewska Ewa, Kitlińska Joanna.: Neuropeptide Y in cancer- biological functions and potential clinical implications. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. 2025, 44 (1): 1-21.
2024 r.
Iżycka-Świeżewska Ewa, Gulczyński Jacek, Sejda Aleksandra, Kitlińska Joanna, Galli Susana, Rogowski Wojciech, Sigorski Dawid.: RTemarks on Selected Morphological Aspects of Cancer Neuroscience: A Microscopic Photo Reviev. Biomedicines. 2024, 12 (10): 1-18.
Sejda Aleksandra: Histocytic sarcoma of the brain- diagnostic problems. Hematophatology Summer Meerting, Gdańsk 8-9th July 2024: abstract booklet. 2024; 10.
Łozińska Magdalena, Małdyk Jadwiga, Sejda Aleksandra.: Primary testicular Follicular lymphoma in children. Hematophatology Summer Meerting, Gdańsk 8-9th July 2024: abstract booklet. 2024; 15.
Sejda A, Sigorski D, Gulczyński J, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Incidence of perineural invasion in resected non-small cell lung cancer - preliminary study. Folia Neuropathologica. 2023; 61 (4): 472. Abstracts from the Conference : Neuropatologia, 17-18 November 2023, Warsaw
Sejda A, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T, Michalak S, Adamek D, Gulczyński J, Ciołkowski M, Grajkowska W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Recommendations of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists on performing post-mortem examination of the brain and spinal cord. Polish Journal of Pathology. 2023; 74 (1), 1-11.
Maińska U, Sławińska M, Baran W, Biernat W, Sejda A, Nowicki R J., Sobjanek M.: Xanthogranuloma necrobioticum in the course of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and idiopathic neutropenia. Przegląd Dermatologiczny. 2022; 109 (6), 453-459.
Sejda A, Szóstak B, Ruskań-Bakun M, Bladowska M.: Congenital subcutaneous neuroglial heterotopia in the coccygeal region. Folia Neuropathologica. 2022; 60 (4), 467-468. Abstracts from the Conference : Neuropatologia. Neuroradiologia 2022, 25 November, 2022.
Gola M, Sejda A, Godlewski J, Cieślak M, Starzyńska A.: Neural Component of the Tumor Microenvironment in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancers. 2022, 14 (21): 1-19.
Sejda A, Grajkowska W, Trubicka J, Szutowicz E, Wojdacz T K, Kloc W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: WHO CNS5 2021 classification of gliomas: a practical review and road signs for diagnosing pathologists and proper patho-clinical and neuro-oncological cooperation. Folia Neuropathologica. 2022, 60 (2): 137-152.
Fadrowska M, Szleper K, Sejda A.: Extranodal manifestation of ALK+ Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma in children: case report. 50 MSKN 2021 "Międzynarodowe Seminarium Kół Naukowych : koła naukowe szkołą twórczego działania" T. 1 : Aktualne problemy badawcze : Nauki biomedyczne i techniczne / redakcja Aneta Cierechowicz, Aleksandra Cichowska, Marta Chelińska. Poznań : Wydawnictwo Naukowe FNCE, 2021, s. 55-65.
Sejda A, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T, Adamek D, Gulczyński J, Michalak S, Grajkowska W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Central nervous system autopsy - a neuropathological procedure based on multidisciplinary pathoclinical cooperation. Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska. 2021, 1-13.
Wrona A, Sejda A, Dziadziuszko R, Jassem J.: Prognostic Significance of Wnt1, Wnt2, E-Cadherin, and β-catenin Expression in Operable Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 2021, 69 (11): 711-722.
Sigorski D, Gulczyński J, Sejda A, Rogowski W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Investigation of Neural Microenvironment in Prostate Cancerin Context of Neural Density, Preineural Invasion, and Neuroendocrine Profile of Tumors. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021, 11: 1-13.
Starzyńska A, Sejda A, Adamska P. Marvaso G. Sachowicz-Burkiewicz M, Adamski Ł, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: Prognostic value of the PIK3CA, AKT. and PTEN mutations in oral squamous cell carcinoma: literature review. Archives of Medical Science. 2021, 17 (1): 207-217.
Starzyńska A, Adamska P, Adamski Ł J, Sejda A, Wychowański P, Studniarek M, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: Multiple odontogenic keratocysts in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: a rare case report. BMC Oral Health. 2021, 21 (1): 1-7.
Sigorski D, Gulczyński J, Sejda A, Buczkowski K, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Axonal density in prostate cancer- morphological and quantitative study. Clinical Neuropathology. 2021, 40 (4): 85-86. 12th European Congress of Neuropathology Virtual, May 31st- June 3rd, 2021.
Starzyńska A, Sobocki B K, Sejda A, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Szot O, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: ZNF-281 as the Potential Diagnostic Marker of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers. 2021, 12 (11); 1-12.
Starzyńska A, Sejda A, Adamska P, Marvaso G, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Adamski Ł, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: Prognostic value of the PIK3CA, AKT, and PTEN mutations in oral squamous cell carcinoma: literature review. Archives of Medical Science. 2020, 1-11.
Starzyńska A, Adamska P, Sejda A, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Adamski Ł J, Marvaso G, Wychowański P, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: Any Role of PIK3CA and PTEN Biomarkers in the Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Life-Basel. 2020, 10 (12); 1-25.
Starzyńska A, Sejda A, Adamski Ł, Adamska P, Pęksa R, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Wychowański P, Jareczek-Fossa B A.: The B7 family molecules in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review. Part I: B7-H1 (PD-L1) and B7-DC (PD-L2). Advances in Dermatology and Allergology. 2020: 1-10.
Starzyńska A, Sejda A, Adamski Ł, Adamska P, Pęksa R, Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M, Wychowański P, Jareczek- Fossa B A.: The B7 family molecules in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review. Part II: B7-1, B7-2, B7-H2, B7-H3, B7-H4, B7-H5, (VISTA), B7-H6 and B7-H7. Advances in dermatology and Allergology. 2020: 1-10.
Sigorski D, Sejda A, Gulczyński J, Kitlińska J, Rogowski W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: 1992P Significance of ERG status on neural microenvironment in prostate cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2020, 1114-1114.
Brzeziński M, Sejda A, Pęksa R, Pawlak M, Bury K, Adamiak Z, Kowalik M, Jagielak D, Bartus K, Hołoda M K, Litwinowicz R, Rogowski J.: Evaluation of Local Tissue Reaction After the Application of a 3D Printed Novel Holdfast Device for Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2020; 48(1): 133-143.
Sejda A, Sigorski D, Gulczyński J, Wesolowski W, Kitlińska J, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: complexity of Neural Component of Tumor Microenvironment in Prostate Cancer. Pathobiology. 2020.
Kabać- Obrączka A, Sejda A, Ptaszyński K.: Pathological study of 10 inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs)- experience of one center. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Szadurska-Noga M, Sejda A, Szóstak B, Gromadzki S.: Holoprosencephaly with carniosynostosis in misscarried fetus. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Sejda A, Szadurska Noga M, Tarka S, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T.: A rare autopsy case of multisystem atrophy. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Hejne K, Sejda A, Gołota J, Ptaszyński K.: A rare case of multiple calcifying fibrous tumors (CFTs) of a pleura coexisting with sarcoidosis. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Lipińska W, Sejda A, Misiukiewicz-Poć M, Ptaszyński K, Tyllo M, Osuchowski M F.: Calcified amorphous tumor of the heart as an unexpected autopsy finding. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Sejda A, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T, Grajkowska W, Dziewulska D, Michalak S, Adamek D, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Recommendation for brain and spinal cord autopsy. XXI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów. Lublin, 26-28 września 2019.
Żak A, Sejda A, Starzyńska A.: Ocena roli RECK EMMPRIN i MT1-MMP w guzach i torbielach zębopochodnych. Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Stomatologicznej i Szczękowo-Twarzowej, Lublin. 9-11 maja 2019, s. 44-45.
Adamska P, Sejda A, Adamski Ł, Starzyńska A.: Poziom białek PIK3CA i PTEN oraz ich związek z danymi kliniczno-patologicznymi wraku płaskonabłonkowym jamy ustnej. Kongres Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Stomatologicznej i Szczękowo-Twarzowej, Lublin. 9-11 maja 2019, s. 34-35.
Prajzendanc K, Domagała P, Hybiak J, Ryś J, Huzarski T, Szwiec M, Tomiczek-Szwiec J, Redelbach W, Sejda A, Gronwald J, Kluz T, Wiśniowski R, Cybulski C, Łukomska A, Białkowska K, Sukiennicki G, Kulczycka K, Narod SA, Wojdacz TK, Lubiński J, Jakubowska A.: BRCA1 promoter methylation in peripheral blood is associated with the risk of triple-negative breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer. 2019.
Gołota J, Rucińska M, Sejda A.: Primary pulmonary sarcomas- diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors. Polish Annals of Medicine. 2019; 26 (1): 66-72.
Żuk M, Koczkowska M, Gorczyński A, Sejda A, Biernat W, Wasąg B.: Significance of the PIK3CA mutations in the differential diagnosis of ovarian epithelial carcinoma. European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine. 2018; 1(2): 23-30.
Starzyńska A, Ragin K, Gulczyński J, Sakowicz- Burkiewicz M, Sejda A.: HPV- pozytywny rak jamy ustnej- etiologia i czynniki ryzyka. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej. 2018; 12 (3): 102-106.
Sejda A, Grajkowska W, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: The history of the classification of Central Nervous System tumors. European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine. 2018; 1 (Suppl.3): 19-19.
Aleksandra Sejda, Wiesława Grajkowska, Ewa Iżycka-Świeszewska.: The history of the classification of Central Nervous System tumours. Tytuł całości: History of pathology - a meeting point between medicine, art, museum, and a look at the future : 5th International Annual Meeting on History of Pathology and Medicine of the European Society of Pathology / Edited by Adam Szarszewski, Ewa Iżycka-Świeszewska, Piotr Paluchowski, Jacek Gulczyński, Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik, Marek Bukowski. Gdańsk : Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, 2018, s. 71-79
Letovanec I, Finn S, Zygoura P, Smyth P, Soltermann A, Bubendorf L, Speel E-J M, Marchetti A, Nonaka D, Monkhorst K, Hager H, Martorell M, Sejda A, Cheney R, Hernandez-Losa J, Verbeken E, Weder W, Savic S, Di Lorito A, Navarro A, Felip E, Warth A, Baas P, Meldgaard P, Blackhall F H, Dindemans A-M, Dienemann H, Dziadziuszko R, Vansteenkiste J, O'brien C, Geiger T, Sherlock J, Schageman J, Dafni U, Kammler R, Kerr K M, Thunnissen E, Stahel R A, Peters S.: Evaluation of NGS and RT-PCR Methods for ALK Rearrangement in European NSCLC Patients: Results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Project. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2018; 13 (3): 413-425.
Rulle U, Tsourti Zoi, Casanova Ruben, Deml Karl-Friedrich, Verbeken Eric, Thunnissen Erik, Warth Arne, Cheney Richard, Sejda Aleksandra, Speel Ernst-Jan M, Madsen Line B., Nonaka Daisuke, Navarro Atilio, Sansano Irene, Marchetti Antonio, Finn Stephen, Monkhorst Kim, Kerr Keith M., Haberecker Martina, Wu Chengguang, Zygoura Panagiota, Kammler Roswitha, Geiger Thomas, Gendreau Steven, Schulze Katja, Vrugt Bart, Wilde Peter J., Moch Holger, Weder Walter, Ciftlik Ata T, Dafni Urania, Peters Solange, Bubendorf Lukas, Stahel Rolf A., Soltermann Alex.: Computer-Based Intensity Measurement Assists Pathologists in Scoring Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Immunohistochemistry - Clinical Associations in NSCLC Patients of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Cohort. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2018; 13 (12): 1851-1863.
Speel Ernst-Jan M., Bubendorf Lukas, Dafni Urania, Schobel Mark, Finn Stephen, Tischler Verena, Sejda Aleksandra, i 20 innych.: MET Overexpression, Amplification and Exon-14 Skipping in Patients with Resected NSCLC: Prevalence and Clinical Association Results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Project. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2017; 19 (2, Supplement: S): S43-S44 ; Meeting Abstract: ST46LB
Finn Stephen, Letovanec Igor, Zygoura Panagiota, Smyth Paul, Soltermann Alex, Bubendorf Lukas, Speel Ernst-Jan M., Marchetti Antonio, Sejda Aleksandra, i 29 innych.: Evaluation of NGS and RT-PCR Methods for ALK Assessment in European NSCLC Patients: Results from the ETOP Lungscape Project. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2017; 12 (1, Supplement: S): S501-S502 ; Meeting Abstract : P1.02-025
Sejda A, Hermann B, Iżycka-Świeszewska E, Wesołowski W, Kloc W, Derenda M, Och W.: Subependymomas- our own experience from the last decade. Folia Neuropathologica. 2017; 55(4): 357-358.
Sejda A, Hermann B, Smiatacz T, Lemańska M, Krzyżanowski M, Iżycka-Świeszewska E.: Rare central nervous system opportunistic infection in the course of AIDS: autopsy example. Folia Neuropathologica. 2017; 55(4): 365-365.
Bubendorf L, Dafni U, Schober J, Finn S, Tischler V, Sejda A, Marchetti A, Thunnissen E, Verbeken E, Warth A, Sansano I, Cheney R, Speel E-J M, Nonaka D, Monkhorst K, Hager H, Martorell M, Savic S, Kerr K M, Tan Q, Tsourti Z, Geiger T, Kammler R, Schulze K, Das-Gupta A, Shames D, Peters S, Stahel R A.: Prevalence and clinical association of MET gene overexpression and amplification in patients with NSCLC: Results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Lungscape project. Lung Cancer. 2017; 111: 143-149.
Iżycka-Świeszewska E, Hermann B, Sejda A, Goertz S, Borof D, Sigorski D, Gulczyński J, Wesołowski W, Kloc W.: Expression of Antithrombin III and Tissue Factor in gliomas. Folia Neuropathologica. 2017; 55(4): 364-364.
Soltermann Alex, Rulle Undine, Dafni O., Verbeken Eric, Thunnissen Erik, Warth Arne, Cheney Richard, Sejda Aleksandra, Speel Ernst-Jan M., i inni.: Prevalence and clinical associations of PTEN loss in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) patients (pts) of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Lungscape cohort. Annals of Oncology. 2016; 27 (suppl. 6) ; Meeting Abstract: 1525P
Aleksandra Sejda, Anna Wrona, Wojciech Biernat, Rafał Dziadziuszko.: Analiza PIK3CA w niedrobnokomórkowym raku płuca. Inna wersja tytułu: PIK3CA analysis in non-small cell lung cancer. Polish Journal of Pathology, 2016 (Suppl. 1), s. 34-35. XX Jubileuszowy Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Patologów Patomorfologia - od makroskopii do genu Warszawa, 2-4 czerwca 2016 r.
U. Rulle, Zoi Tsourti, Arne Warth, M. Calabuig, Eric Verbeken, Aleksandra Sejda, Roswitha Kammler, Lukas Bubendorf, Alex Soltermann.: External quality assessment of PTEN immunohistochemistry: Challenging pathologist ' s eye with computer-based intensity mea- surement in the ETOP Lungscape project. Virchows Archiv, 2016, 469 (Suppl 1), s. S130-S130 ; nr abstr. PS-13-019. 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, 25-28.09.2016, Koln, Germany.
Martyna Sławińska, Michał Sobjanek, Aleksandra Wilkowska, Monika Sikorska, Aleksandra Sejda, Roman Nowicki.: Postać podskórna ziarniniaka obrączkowatego - opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa. Inna wersja tytułu: Subcutaneous granuloma annulare - a case report and literature review. Forum Dermatologicum, 2016, 2 (3), s. 120-122 ; bibliogr. 15 poz.
Michał Brzeziński, Kamil Bury, Ludwik Dąbrowski, Piotr Holak, Aleksandra Sejda, Maciej Pawlak, D. Jagielak, Zbigniew Adamiak, Jan Rogowski.: The new 3D printed left atrial appendage closure with a novel holdfast device: a pre-clinical feasibility animal study. PLoS One, 2016, 11 (5) ; bibliogr. 25 poz. ; nr art. e0154559
Martyna Sławińska, Michał Sobjanek, Wojciech Biernat, Aleksandra Sejda, Roman Nowicki.: Zlokalizowana postać choroby Dariera. Inna wersja tytułu: Localized Darier's disease. Forum Dermatologicum, 2016, 2 (3), s. 123-125 ; bibliogr. 12 poz.
Letovanec Igor, Peters Solange, Tsourti Zoi, Finn Stephen, Soltermann Alex, Bubendorf Lukas, Speel Ernst-Jan M., Marchetti Antonio, Nonaka Daisuke, Sejda Aleksandra, i 29 innych.: Evaluation of RT-PCR Methodology for ALK Assessment in Patients with NSCLC in Europe: Results from the ETOP Lungscape Project. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2015; 10 (9, Supplement: 2): S693-S694 ; Meeting Abstract : P3.04-009
Piotr Czapiewski, Marzena Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, Barbara Seroczyńska, Jarosław Skokowski, Aleksandra Sejda, Jolanta Szade, Claudia Wiewiora, Wojciech Biernat, Anna J. Żaczek.: CD99 correlates with low cyclin D1, high topoisomerase 2 alpha status and triple negative molecular phenotype but is prognostically irrelevant in breast carcinoma. Polish Journal of Pathology, 2015, 66 (3), s. 269-275 ; bibliogr. 21 poz.
Aleksandra Sejda, A. Wrona, Rafał Dziadziuszko, Wojciech Biernat.: ROS-1 protein status in non-small cell lung cancer. Virchows Archiv, 2015, 467Suppl 1, s. S40-S41 ; nr abstrak. OFP-15-001. 27th European Congress of Pathology: Pathology: breaking barriers in medicine, Belgrade, Serbia, 5-9.09. 2015.
Natalia Bednarz-Knoll, Paulina Nastały, Anna J. Żaczek, Małgorzata Stoupiec, Sabine Riethdorf, Harriet Wikman, Volkmar Muller, Jarosław Skokowski, Jolanta Szade, Aleksandra Sejda, Marzena Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, Klaus Pantel.: Stromal expression of ALDH1 in human breast carcinomas indicates reduced tumor progression. Oncotarget, 2015, 6 (29), s. 26789-26803 ; bibliogr. 49 poz.
Magdalena Buszewska-Forajta, Danuta Siluk, Emilia Daghir-Wojtkowiak, Aleksandra Sejda, Dorota Staśkowiak, Wojciech Biernat, Roman Kaliszan.: Studies of the effect of grasshopper abdominal secretion on wound healing with the use of murine model. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2015, 176, s. 413-423 ; bibliogr. 31 poz.
Sejda Aleksandra, Starzyńska Anna, Szmuda Tomasz, Biernat Wojciech.: MMP-9 expression in odontogenic cysts and tumours. Virchows Archiv. 2014: 465 (Suppl. 1): S290-S290 ; Meeting Abstract: PS-15-034. 26th European Congress of Pathology, London, United Kingdom, 30.08-3.09, 2014
Szymon Wojtylak, Aleksandra Sejda, Murry W. Wynes, Wojciech Biernat, Witold Rzyman, Rafał Dziadziuszko, Fred R. Hirsch, Jacek Jassem.: Evaluation of FGFR1 alterations in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Virchows Archiv, 2014, 465 (Suppl. 1), s. S48-S48 ; Meeting Abstract: OFP-16-013. 26th European Congress of Pathology, London, United Kingdom, 30.08-3.09, 2014
Murry W. Wynes, Trista K. Hinz, Dexiang Gao, Michael Martini, Lindsay A. Marek, Kathryn E. Ware, Michael G. Edwards, Diana Boehm, Sven Perner, Barbara A. Helfrich, Rafał Dziadziuszko, Jacek Jassem, Szymon Wojtylak, Aleksandra Sejda, Joseph M. Gozgit, Paul A. Bunn, D. Ross Camidge, Aik-Choon Tan, Fred R. Hirsch, Lynn E. Heasley.: FGFR1 mRNA and Protein Expression, not Gene Copy Number, Predict FGFR TKI Sensitivity across All Lung Cancer Histologies. Clinical Cancer Research, 2014, 20 (12), s. 3299-3309 ; bibliogr. 25 poz.
Fiona H. Blackhall, Solange Peters, Lukas Bubendorf, Urania Dafni, Keith M. Kerr, Henrik Hager, Alex Soltermann, Kenneth J. O'Byrne, Christoph Dooms, Aleksandra Sejda, Javier Hernandez-Losa, Antonio Marchetti, Spasenija Savic, Qiang Tan, Erik Thunnissen, Ernst-Jan M. Speel, Richard Cheney, Daisuke Nonaka, Jeroen de Jong, Miguel Martorell, Igor Letovanec, Rafael Rosell, Rolf A. Stahel.: Prevalence and Clinical Outcomes for Patients With ALK-Positive Resected Stage I to III Adenocarcinoma: Results From the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Project. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, 32 (25), s. 2780-0787 ; bibliogr. 33 poz.
Kerr Keith M., Thunnissen Erik, Blackhall Fiona H., Dafni Urania, Bubendorf Lukas, Hager Henrik, Soltermann Alex, O'Byrne Kenneth J., Marchetti Antonio, Dooms Christoph, Sejda Aleksandra, i 10 innych.: Alk Immunohistochemistry and Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization in Lung Adenocarcinomas from the Etop Lungscape Tumour Cohort. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2013; 8 (Suppl. 2): S318-S319 ; Meeting Abstract : MO10.07
Wynes Murry W., Boyle Theresa, Wojtylak Szymon, Sejda Aleksandra, Heasley Lynn E., Henricksen Leigh A., Singh Shalini, Camidge D. Ross.: Overexpression of FGFR1 MRNA and Protein are More Frequent than FGFR1 Gene Amplification in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2013; 8 (Suppl. 2): S280-S280 ; nr abstr. MO05.02
Karolina Kita-Milczarska, Lucyna Górska, Krzysztof Kuziemski, Aleksandra Sejda, Ewa Jassem, Wojciech Biernat.: Coexistence of sarcoidosis with seminoma - a case report. Inna wersja tytułu: Współistnienie sarkoidozy i nasieniaka jądra - opis przypadku. Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, 2013, 81 (2), s. 145-148 ; bibliogr. 20 poz.
Supernat Anna M., Markiewicz Aleksandra, Sejda Aleksandra, Seroczyńska Barbara, Skokowski Jarosław, Szade Jolanta, Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz Marzena, Nastały Paulina, Bednarz-Knoll Natalia, Żaczek Anna J.: Correlation of C-Myc with Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Phenotype. Annals of Oncology. 2012; 23 (suppl. 2), s. 38-38. 4th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference, Brussels, BELGIUM , 03-05.05. 2012
Autorzy: Anna Supernat, Aleksandra (obcy) Markiewicz, Marzena Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, Barbara Seroczyńska, Jarosław Skokowski, Aleksandra Sejda, Jolanta Szade, Piotr Czapiewski, Wojciech Biernat, Anna J. Żaczek.:CD73 Expression as a Potential Marker of Good Prognosis in Breast Carcinoma. Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology, 2012, 20 (2), s. 103-107 ; bibliogr. 19 poz.
Fiona H. Blackhall, Solange Peters, Keith M. Kerr, Kenneth J. O'Byrne, Henrik Hager, Aleksandra Sejda, Alex Soltermann, Christoph Dooms, Enriqueta Felip, Antonio Marchetti, Ernst-Jan M. Speel, N. Price, Spasenija Savic, Jeroen de Jong, Miguel Martorell, Erik Thunnissen, Lukas Bubendorf, O. Dafni, Rafael Rosell, Rolf A. Stahel.: Prevalence and clinical outcomes for patients with ALK gene rearragement in Europe: preliminary results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Project. Annals of Oncology, 2012, 23 (suppl. 9), s. 73-73. 37th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), Vienna, Austria, 28.09-2.10.2012.
Hanna Majewska, Anton Żawrocki, Aleksandra Sejda, Wojciech Biernat.: Soft tissue perineurioma of retroperitoneum : an incidental finding in an 80-year-old man. Folia Neuropathologica, 2010, 48 (4), s. 310-311. Abstracts from XVI Conference of Polish Association of Neuropathologists "Neuropathology close to clinical practice", November 6th, 2010, Warsaw.
Hanna Majewska, Anton Żawrocki, Aleksandra Sejda, Wojciech Biernat.: Soft tissue perineurioma of retroperitoneum - an incidental finding in an 80-year-old man. Folia Neuropathologica. 2010, 48 (4), s. 310-311 ; nr abstr. [A11]. XVI Conference of Polish Association of Neuropathologists "Neuropathology close to clinical practice, November 6th, 2010, Warszawa.