Lecture of Professor Berthold Koletzko, Dr. med. habil., Dr. h.c. mult., Prof. h.c.
We would like to kindly inform you that on May 18, 2022 from 1.00 - 4.00 PM at the Congress Hall of the UWM Conference Center in Olsztyn there will be an open lecture by Prof. Berthold Koletzko from the LMU University Hospitals in München, entitled: „Health effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids – diet or genes”.
Professor Berthold Koletzko agreed to lead the lecture on the invitation of Professor Elżbieta Jarocka-Cyrta.
Lecture is organized as a part of the project "University of Great Opportunities - a program for improvment of teaching quality managemnt and teaching quality" POWR.03.05.00-00-Z201/18 Module 1. Implementation of international lecturers into the open lecturs given at the School of Medicine.
Berthold Koletzko is Professor of Paediatrics at LMU - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany and heads the Div. Metabolic & Nutritional Medicine, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, Univ. of Munich Medical Centre. He is author of 1027 journal articles (Web of Science Citations 24 662, H-index 79), 224 book chapters, and 40 books/monographies. Bert is President, Federation Int Soc of Paediatr Gastroenterol, Hepatol & Nutrition (fispghan.org); Past-President, Eur Soc Paediatr Gastroenterol, Hepatol & Nutrition; President-Elect, Int Soc Res Human Milk & Lactation; Treasurer, United Eur Gastroenterol; Chair Tertiary Care Council, Eur. Academy of Paediatrics Strategic Nutrition Advisor and Standing Committee Member, International Paediatric Associaton; Chair, Committee on Nutrition, German Society of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ); and Board Member, Biomedical Alliance in Europe. His research grant funding exceeded 20 mio.€ since the year 2000 was provided by the EU Framework Programmes 5, 6, 7 & H2020, European Research Council, German Research Council, German Federal Ministry Education & Research, governments of Bavaria and Norway, US National Institutes of Health and other funding bodies. He has been acting as Co-ordinator of the EU funded projects CHOP, PIANAO, EARNEST, and EarlyNutrition and the EU Erasmus+ ProjectsEarly Nutrition eAcademy South East Asia and Capacity Building to Improve Early Nutrition and Health in South Africa. He is member of the grant review board medicine, German Research Council and chairs their Clinical Trial grant review board. Bert is Editor in Chief of Ann Nutrition & Metabolism and of World Rev Nutrition & Dietetics, and Associate Editor of Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metabol Care and Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. He has been acting as Scientific Advisor to the German Federal Government, the Innovation Initiative of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the World Health Organisation, and other national and international governmental bodies and organisations.
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Projekt pn. „Uniwersytet Wielkich Możliwości – program podniesienia jakości zarządzania procesem kształcenia i jakości nauczania”, nr POWR. 03.05.00-00-Z201/18 współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego