Scientific and educational achievements
At present, the Department is realising three OPUS grants of the National Science Centre as well as a statutory research programme of the University. The results have already been presented during scientific congresses abroad and three national conferences, and currently publications are being prepared on the basis of these results. What is more, the staff of the Department have authored more than a dozen original papers and literature-based reviews published in Polish and foreign journals.
As far as education is concerned, it was a great achievement of the Department to create from scratch a programme of teaching histology, embryology and cell biology in English. The staff of the Department have also prepared and implemented during classes two optional courses, including one in English: “Introduction to the biology of a neoplastic cell” and “Foundations of regenerative medicine”.
It is worth emphasising that most of the materials accompanying lectures and seminars and preparing to practical classes are available to students on the web page of the Department.