Dariusz Pawlak Professor PhD

89 524 61 88

2018 rok

PAWLAK D, Znorko B, Kalaska B, Domaniewski T, Zawadzki R, Lipowicz P, Doroszko M, Łebkowska U, Grabowski P, Pawlak K: LP533401 restores bone health in 5/6 nephrectomized rats by a decrease of gut-derived serotonin and regulation of serum phosphate through the inhibition of phosphate co-transporters expression in the kidneys. Bone  2018, 113:124-136. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.05.022. PubMed PMID: 29792935

 Pawlowski T, Malyszczak K, Inglot M, Zalewska M, Radkowski M, Laskus T, PAWLAK D.: Alterations in the metabolism of tryptophan in patients with chronic Hepatitis C six months after pegylated interferon-α 2a treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology  2018, 97:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.06.004. PubMed PMID: 29990677


Kalaska B, Kamiński K, Miklosz J, Nakai K, Yusa SI, PAWLAK D, Nowakowska M, Mogielnicki A, Szczubiałka K: Anticoagulant Properties of Poly(sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methylpropanesulfonate)-Based Di- and Triblock Polymers. Biomacromolecules 2018, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00691. PubMed PMID: 29733637


Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A, Hermanowicz JM, Pawlak K, Czarnomysy R, Bielawski K, Prokop I, PAWLAK D: Erythropoietin Intensifies the Proapoptotic Activity of LFM-A13 in Cells and in a Mouse Model of Colorectal Cancer. Int J Mol Sci 2018, 19(4). pii: E1262. doi: 10.3390/ijms19041262. PubMed PMID: 29690619


Znorko B, PAWLAK D, Oksztulska-Kolanek E, Domaniewski T, Pryczynicz A, Roszczenko A, Rogalska J, Lipowicz P, Doroszko M, Brzoska MM, Pawlak K: RANKL/OPG system regulation by endogenous PTH and PTH1R/ATF4 axis in bone: Implications for bone accrual and strength in growing rats with mild uremia. Cytokine 2018, 106:19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2018.03.002. Epub 2018 Mar 9. PubMed PMID: 29529595


Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A, Hermanowicz JM, Domaniewski T, Pawlak K, Rusak M, Pryczynicz A, Surazynski A, Kaminski T, Kazberuk A, PAWLAK D: Simultaneous use of erythropoietin and LFM-A13 as a new therapeutic approach for colorectal cancer. Br J Pharmacol 2018, 175(5):743-762. doi: 10.1111/bph.14099. PubMed PMID: 29160911


Kaminski TW, Pawlak K, Karbowska M, Mysliwiec M, Grzegorzewski W, Kuna J, PAWLAK D: Association between uremic toxin-anthranilic acid and fibrinolytic system activity in predialysis patients at different stages of chronic kidney disease. Int Urol Nephrol 2018, 50(1):127-135. doi: 10.1007/s11255-017-1729-1. PubMed PMID: 29058166


2017 rok

Kalaska B, Pawlak K, Domaniewski T, Oksztulska-Kolanek E, Znorko B, Roszczenko A, Rogalska J, Brzoska MM, Lipowicz P, Doroszko M, Pryczynicz A, PAWLAK D: Elevated Levels of Peripheral Kynurenine Decrease Bone Strength in Rats with Chronic Kidney Disease. Front Physiol 2017, 8:836. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00836. eCollection 2017. PubMed PMID: 29163188


PAWLAK D, Domaniewski T, Znorko B, Oksztulska-Kolanek E, Lipowicz P, Doroszko  M, Karbowska M, Pawlak K: The impact of peripheral serotonin on leptin-brain serotonin axis, bone metabolism and strength in growing rats with experimental chronic kidney disease. Bone 2017, 105:1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2017.08.004. PubMed PMID: 28797891


Kamiński T, Michałowska M, PAWLAK D: Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and its endogenous agonist - indoxyl sulfate in chronic kidney disease. Postepy Hig Med Dosw  2017 Jul 30;71:624-632. PubMed PMID: 28791957


Karbowska M, Kaminski TW, Marcinczyk N, Misztal T, Rusak T, Smyk L, PAWLAK D: The Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate Accelerates Thrombotic Response after Vascular Injury in Animal Models. Toxins  2017 Jul 19;9(7). pii: E229. doi: 10.3390/toxins9070229. PubMed PMID: 28753957


Rudzki L, PAWLAK D, Pawlak K, Waszkiewicz N, Małus A, Konarzewska B, Gałęcka M, Bartnicka A, Ostrowska L, Szulc A: Immune suppression of IgG response against dairy proteins in major depression. BMC Psychiatry 2017 Jul 24;17(1):268. doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1431-y. PubMed PMID: 28738849


Kalaska B, Pawlak K, Oksztulska-Kolanek E, Domaniewski T, Znorko B, Karbowska M, Citkowska A, Rogalska J, Roszczenko A, Brzoska MM, PAWLAK D: A link between central kynurenine metabolism and bone strength in rats with chronic kidney disease. PeerJ 2017 Apr 20;5:e3199. doi: 10.7717/peerj.3199. eCollection 2017.PubMed PMID: 28439468


Bartosiewicz J, Kaminski T, Pawlak K, Karbowska M, Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A, PAWLAK D: The activation of the kynurenine pathway in a rat model with renovascular hypertension. Exp Biol Med 2017 Apr;242(7):750-761. doi:  10.1177/1535370217693114. PubMed PMID: 28165296


Kamiński TW, Pawlak K, Karbowska M, Myśliwiec M, PAWLAK D: Indoxyl sulfate - the uremic toxin linking hemostatic system disturbances with the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrol 2017 Jan 25;18(1):35. doi: 10.1186/s12882-017-0457-1. PubMed PMID: 28122514


2016 rok

PAWLAK D, Oksztulska-Kolanek E, Znorko B, Domaniewski T, Rogalska J, Roszczenko A, Brzóska MM, Pryczynicz A, Kemona A, Pawlak K.: The association between elevated levels of peripheral serotonin and its Metabolite - 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid and Bone Strength and Metabolism in Growing Rats with Mild experimental chronic kidney disease. PLoS One. 2016, 11(10):e0163526. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163526.


Frydecka D, Pawłowski T, PAWLAK D, Małyszczak K: Functional Polymorphism in the Interleukin 6 (IL6) Gene with Respect to Depression Induced in the Course of  Interferon-α and Ribavirin Treatment in Chronic Hepatitis Patients. Arch Immunol  Ther Exp 2016 Dec;64169-175. doi: 10.1007/s00005-016-0441-7. PubMed PMID: 28083615


Kalaska B, Ciborowski M, Domaniewski T, Czyzewska U, Godzien J, Miltyk W, Kretowski A, PAWLAK D.: Serum metabolic fingerprinting after exposure of rats to quinolinic acid. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 131, 175-182, 2016. doi:



Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A, Hermanowicz J, Surażynski A, Rożkiewicz D, Pryczynicz A, Domaniewski T, Pawlak K, Kemona A, PAWLAK D.: Erythropoietin accelerates tumor growth through increase of erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) as well as by the stimulation of angiogenesis in DLD-1 and Ht-29 xenografts. Mol Cell Biochem. 2016, 421(1-2):1-18. doi: 10.1007/s11010-016-2779-x.


Jasiewicz M., Moniuszko M., PAWLAK D., Knapp M., Rusak M., Kazimierczyk R., Musial W.J., Dabrowska M, Kaminski K.A.: Activity of the kynurenine pathway and its interplay with immunity in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Heart  102(3), 230-237, 2016


Kalaska B, Kaminski K, Miklosz J, Yusa SI, Sokolowska E, Blazejczyk A, Wietrzyk J, Kasacka I, Szczubialka K, PAWLAK D, Nowakowska M, Mogielnicki A.: Heparin-binding copolymer reverses effects of unfractionated heparin, enoxaparin, and fondaparinux in rats and mice. Transl. Res. 2016, 5 S1931-5244(16)30102-5. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2016.06.009.


Sokolowska E, Kalaska B, Kaminski K, Lewandowska A, Blazejczyk A, Wietrzyk J, Kasacka I, Szczubialka K, PAWLAK D, Nowakowska M, Mogielnicki A. The toxicokinetic profile of Dex40-GTMAC3-a novel polysaccharide candidate for reversal of unfractionated heparin. Front. Pharmacol. 2016, 17;7:60. doi:10.3389/fphar.2016.00060


Karbowska M, Kamiński T, PAWLAK D.: Methods of reducing the level of indoxyl sulfate - one of the most potent protein-bound uremic toxins.Toxin Reviews 1-9, 2016, DOI: 10.1080/15569543.2016.1222442



2015 rok

Michalowska M., Znorko B., Kaminski T., Oksztulska-Kolanek E., PAWLAK D.: New insights into tryptophan and its metabolites in the regulation of bone metabolism. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 66(6), 779-791, 2015


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Endocan-the new endothelial activation marker independently associated with soluble endothelial adhesion molecules in uraemic patients with cardiovascular disease. Clin. Biochem. 48(6), 425-430, 2015


Michałowska. M, Znorko B., Oksztulska-Kolanek E., Kamiński T., PAWLAK D.: A view at monoclonal antibodies in therapy of osteoporosis. Pol. Annals Med. 22(2), 149-154, 2015

Kałaska B., Kamiński K., Sokołowska E., Czaplicki D., Kujdowicz M., Stalińska K., Bereta J., Szczubiałka K., PAWLAK D., Nowakowska M., Mogielnicki A.: Nonclinical evaluation of novel cationically modified polysaccharide antidotes for unfractionated heparin. PLoS ONE 10, 3, 2015 e0119486


Kamiński T., PAWLAK D.: Leki generyczne we współczesnej farmakoterapii. Farm. Pol. 70(6), 321-326, 2014

2014 rok

Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: oxLDL - the molecule linking hypercoagulability with the presence of cardiovascular disease in hemodialyzed uraemic patients. Thromb. Res. 134(3), 711-716, 2014


Pawlak K., Myśliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Effect of diabetes and oxidative stress on plasma CCL23 levels in patients with severe chronic kidney disease. Pol. Arch. Med. Wewn. 124(9), 459-466, 2014


2013 rok

Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) plasma levels and oxLDL to LDL ratio - are they real oxidative stress markers in dialyzed patients? Life Sci. 92 (4-5), 253-258, 2013

Pawlak K., Rożkiewicz D., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: YKL-40 in hemodialyzed patients with and without cardiovascular complications - The enhancement by the coexistence of the seropositivity against hepatitis C virus infection. Cytokine 62 (1), 75 -80, 2013


2012 rok

Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Oxidized LDL to autoantibodies against oxLDL ratio - the new biomarker associated with carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications in dialyzed patients. Atherosclerosis 224 (1), 252-257, 2012


Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Hyperhomocysteinemia and the presence of cardiovascular disease are associated with kynurenic acid levels and carotid atherosclerosis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Thromb. Res. 129 (6), 704-709, 2012


Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: The alteration in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and adhesion molecules concentrations in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease: the effect of dialysis treatment. Diabet. Res. Clin. Pract. 98, 264-270, 2012

Pawlak K, Ulazka B., Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Vascular endothelial growth factor and uPA/suPAR system in early and advanced chronic kidney disease patients: a new link between angiogenesis and hyperfibrinolysis? Translat. Res. 160 (5), 346-354, 2012

2011 rok

Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Peripheral blood level alterations of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in patients with chronic kidney disease on conservative treatment and on hemodialysis. Clin. Biochem. 44, 838-843, 2011


Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Interleukin-21 in hemodialyzed patients: Association with the etiology of chronic kidney disease and the seropositivity against hepatitis C virus infection. Clin. Biochem. 44, 1416-1420, 2011


2010 rok

Pawlak K., Myśliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Kynurenine pathway - a new link between endothelial dysfunction and carotid atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease patients. Adv. Med. Sci.  55(2), 196-203, 2010


Pawlak K., Tankiewicz J., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Systemic Levels of MMP2/TIMP2 and Cardiovascular Risk in CAPD Patients. Nephron Clin. Pract.  115(4), c251-c258, 2010


Pawlak K., Buraczewska-Buczko A., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Hyperfibrinolysis, uPA/suPAR system, kynurenines, and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic renal failure on conservative treatment. Am. J. Med. Sci. 339 (1), 5-9, 2010


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Haemostatic system, biochemical profiles, kynurenines and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in peritoneally dialyzed patients. Thromb.  Res. 125 (2), 40-45, 2010 


Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A., PAWLAK D., Domaniewski T., Buczko W.: Erythropoietin increases Epo and EpoR expression in DLD-1 cells. Pol. Ann. Med. 17 (1), 16-24, 2010


Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A, PAWLAK D, Domaniewski T, Buczko W.: Effect of  erythropoietin, 5-fluorouracil and SN-38 on the growth of DLD-1 cells. Pharmacol. Rep. 62(5), 926-937, 2010


Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Impact of residual renal function and HCV seropositivity on plasma CD40/CD40L system and oxidative status in haemodialysis  patients. Clin. Biochem. 43 (18), 1393-1398, 2010


Pawlak K, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: Hepatitis C virus seropositivity and TNF superfamily receptors: sCD40, sFas--the new putative determinants of endothelial dysfunction in haemodialysis patients. Thromb. Res. 126 (5), 393-398, 2010


Gulaj E, Pawlak K, Bien B, PAWLAK D.: Kynurenine and its metabolites In Alzheimer's disease patients. Adv. Med. Sci. 55(2), 204-211, 2010


Pawlak K, Kowalewska A, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D.: 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid is independently associated with monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCL2) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta (CCL4) in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clin. Biochem. 43 (13-14), 1101-1106, 2010


2009 rok

Pawlak K., Kowalewska A., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Kynurenine and its metabolites-kynurenic acid and anthranilic acid are associated with soluble endothelial adhesion molecules and oxidative status in patients with chronic kidney disease. Am. J. Med. Sci. 338 (4), 293-300, 2009


Buczko P., Szarmach I.J., Kasacka I., PAWLAK D.: The concentration of 3-HKYN in saliva of patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 18, 128-131, 2009


Pawlak K, Domaniewski T, Mysliwiec M, PAWLAK D. Kynurenines and oxidative status are independently associated with thrombomodulin and von Willebrand factor levels in patients with end-stage renal disease. Thromb. Res. 124 (4), 452-457, 2009


Pawlak K., Brzosko S., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Kynurenine, quinolinic acid-the new factors linked to carotid atherosclerosis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Atherosclerosis  204 (2), 561-566, 2009


Pawlak K., Domaniewski T., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: The kynurenines are associated with oxidative stress, inflammation and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in patients with end-stage renal disease. Atherosclerosis. 204 (1), 309-314, 2009


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Hypercoagulability is independently associated with kynurenine pathway activation in dialysed uraemic patients. Thromb. Haemost. 102 (1), 49-55, 2009


Pawlak K., Tankiewicz J., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Tissue factor/its pathway inhibitor system and kynurenines in chronic kidney disease patients on conservative treatment. Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis 20, 590-594, 2009


Myśliwiec P., Myśliwiec H., PAWLAK D., Pawlak K., Buczko W., Baltaziak M., Dadan J.: Tryptophan metabolism in experimental necrotizing acute pancreatitis. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 47, 231-236, 2009


Myśliwiec P., Myśliwiec H., PAWLAK D., Dadan J., Buczko W., Pawlak K.: Tryptophan and its metabolites in renal allograft recipients. Przegl.  Lek. 66 (3), 115-118, 2009


2008 rok

Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Myśliwiec M.:  Urokinase-type plasminogen activator and metalloproteinase-2 are independently related to the carotid atherosclerosis in haemodialysis patients. Thromb. Res. 121 (4), 543-548, 2008


Myśliwiec H., PAWLAK D., Flisiak I., Myśliwiec P., Myśliwiec M., Chodynicka B.: Wybrane metabolity kinureniny a świąd mocznicowy.   Przegl. Dermatol. 95 (1), 33-36, 2008 


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.:  Effects of long-term erythropoietin therapy on fibrinolytic system in haemodialyzed patients. Thromb. Res. 121 (6), 787-791, 2008


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: The urokinase-type plasminogen activator/its soluble receptor system is independently related to carotid atherosclerosis and associated with CC-chemokines in uraemic patients.  Thromb. Res. 122, 328-335, 2008


Pawlak J., Dzięcioł J., Mantur M., PAWLAK D.: Megakaryocytes and platelets in experimentally induced renovascular hypertension (2K1C) in rats = Megakariocyty i płytki w doświadczalnym nadciśnieniu naczyniowo-nerkowym (2K1C) u szczurów. Post. Hig. Med. Doświad.  62, 241-248, 2008


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Oxidative stress, phosphate and creatinine levels are independently associated with vascular endothelial growth factor levels in patients with chronic renal failure. Cytokine  43, 98-101, 2008


Pawlak K., Zolbach K., Borawski J., Mysliwiec M., Kovalchuk O., Chyczewski L., PAWLAK D.:  Chronic viral hepatitis C, oxidative stress and the coagulation/fibrinolysis system in haemodialysis patients. Thromb. Res. 123 (1), 166-170, 2008


2007 rok

Gułaj E., PAWLAK D.:  Niedokrwistość.  Farm. Pol. 63 (1), 3-10, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D.:  Placebo niedowartościowana psychoterapia?  Gazeta Farmaceutyczna 4, 46-49, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.:  Impaired renal function and duration of dialysis therapy are associated with oxidative stress and proatherogenic cytokine levels in patients with end-stage renal disease.  Clin. Biochem. 40 (1-2), 81-85, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Excess soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor in the plasma of dialysis patients  correlates with increased fibrinolytic activity. Thromb. Res. 119 (4), 475-480, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.:  Serum matrix metalloproteinase-2 and increased oxidative stress are associated with carotid atherosclerosis in hemodialyzed patients. Atherosclerosis 190 (1), 199-204, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Long-term erythropoietin therapy does not affect endothelial markers, coagulation activation and oxidative stress in haemodialyzed patients.  Thromb. Res. 120 (6), 797-803, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.:  Long-term erythropoietin therapy does not affect metalloproteinases and their inhibitor levels,  oxidative stress and inflammation in hemodialyzed patients. Am. J. Nephrol. 27 (3), 221-225, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Tissue factor and urokinase-type plasminogen activator system are related to the presence of  cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients. Thromb. Res. 120 (6), 871-876, 2007


Pawlak K., Mysliwiec M., PAWLAK D.: Chronic viral hepatitis and iron affect the plasma levels of LIGHT--a new member of the TNF  superfamily in uraemic haemodialyzed patients. Cytokine  39 (3), 201-206, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: LIGHT- a new member of the TNF superfamily in the plasma, dialysate and urine of uremic patients; the impact of residual diuresis and presence of viral hepatitis. Clin. Biochem.  40 (16-17), 1240-1244, 2007


Buczko P., Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A., Buraczewska A., Myśliwiec M., PAWLAK D.:  Accumulation of kynurenine pathway metabolites in saliva and plasma of uremic patients. Pharmacol. Rep. 59 (1), 199-204, 2007


Szarmach I., Buczko P., Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A., Kasacka I., Tankiewicz J., PAWLAK D.: The concentration of kynurenine and anthranilic acid in saliva of patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 16 (2), 125-127, 2007


Tankiewicz-Kwedlo A., Buczko P., Dziemiańczyk-Pakiela D., Szarmach I.,  Grabowska S., Topczewska-Bruns J., PAWLAK D.:  Tryptophan metabolism in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma.  Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 16 (2), 120-124, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Erythropoietin therapy decreased tissue factor, its pathway inhibitor, and oxidative stress in peritoneal dialysis patients with diabetes. Nephron Clin. Pract.  107 (1), c20-c25, 2007


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Association between tissue factor, its pathway inhibitor and oxidative stress in peritoneal dialysis  patients. Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis  18 (5), 467-471, 2007


2006 rok

Langfort J., Barańczuk E., PAWLAK D., Chalimoniuk M., Lukacova N., Marsala J., Górski J.: The effect of endurance training on regional serotonin metabolism in the brain during early stage of detraining period in the female rat. Cell Mol. Neurobiol. 26 (7-8), 1327-1342, 2006


Buczko P., Stokowska W., Górska M., Kucharewicz I., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Tryptophan metabolites via kynurenine pathway in saliva of diabetic patients. Dent. Med. Problems 43 (1), 21-25, 2006


2005 rok

Tankiewicz A., PAWLAK D., Pawlak K., Szewc D., Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.:  Anthranilic acid-uraemic toxin damaged red cell's membrane.  Int. Urol. Nephrol. 37 (3), 621-627, 2005


PAWLAK D., Brzóska M., Zwierz K., Stypułkowska A., Moniuszko-Jakoniuk J.: Can kynurenine pathway tryptophan metabolites be used to monitor cadmium  exposure?  Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 14 (2), 209-215, 2005


PAWLAK D., Brzóska M., Moniuszko-Jakoniuk J., Stypułkowska A., Zwierz K.:  Effect of cadmium on the peripheral kynurenine pathway in rats.  Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 14 (4), 501-507, 2005


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Myśliwiec M.: Metoda terapii nerkozastępczej a wybrane wskaźniki stresu oksydacyjnego i  uszkodzenia śródbłonka u pacjentów z przewlekłą niewydolnością nerek.  Pol. Arch. Med. Wewn. 113 (1), 21-26, 2005


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase plasma levels as a new useful clinical biomarker of  oxidative stress in patients with end-stage renal disease. Clin. Biochem. 38 (8), 700-705, 2005


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Circulating beta-chemokines and matrix metalloproteinase-9/tissue inhibitor of   metalloproteinase-1 system in hemodialyzed patients--role of oxidative stress.  Cytokine 31 (1), 18-24, 2005


2004 rok

Pawlak K., Naumnik B., Brzósko S., PAWLAK D., Myśliwiec M.: Oxidative stress - a link between endothelial injury, coagulation activation, and atherosclerosis  in haemodialysis patients. Am. J. Nephrol. 24 (1), 154-161, 2004


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Hepatitis intensified oxidative stress, MIP-1beta and RANTES plasma levels in uraemic patients. Cytokine 28 (6), 197-204, 2004


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Extrinsic coagulation pathway activation and metalloproteinase-2/TIMPs system are related to oxidative stress and atherosclerosis in hemodialysis patients.  Thromb. Haemost. 92 (3), 646-653, 2004


Pawlak S., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Wpływ hipoksji na regulację procesu erytropoezy - nowe spojrzenie.  Przeg. Lek. 61 (12), 1415-1419, 2004


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Possible new role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in hemodialysis patients with cardiovascular disease.   Am. J. Nephrol. 24 (6), 635-640, 2004


Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Mysliwiec M.: Oxidative stress influences CC-chemokine levels in hemodialyzed patients. Nephron Physiol. 96 (4), 105-112, 2004


2003 rok

Tankiewicz A., PAWLAK D., Topczewska-Bruns J., Buczko W.: Kidney and liver kynurenine pathway enzymes in chronic renal failure. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 527, 409-414, 2003


PAWLAK D., Koda M., Wołczyński S., Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.: Mechanism of inhibitory effect of 3-hydroxykynurenine on erythropoiesis in  patients with renal insufficiency. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 527, 375-380, 2003


Topczewska-Bruns J., PAWLAK D., Tankiewicz A., Chabielska E., Buczko W.:  Kynurenine metabolism in central nervous system in experimental chronic renal failure. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 527, 177-182, 2003


PAWLAK D., Tankiewicz A., Matys T., Buczko W.: Peripheral distribution of kynurenine metabolites and activity of kynurenine pathway enzymes in renal failure.  J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 54, 175-189, 2003


PAWLAK D., Koda M., Pawlak S., Wołczyński S., Buczko W.: Contribution of quinolinic acid in the development of anemia in renal insufficiency.  Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 284, F693-700, 2003


2002 rok

Topczewska-Bruns J., PAWLAK D., Chabielska E., Tankiewicz A., Buczko W.: Increased levels of 3-hydroxykynurenine in different brain regions of rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Brain Res. Bull.  58, 423-428, 2002


Kucharewicz I., Pawlak R., Matys T., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Antithrombotic effect of captopril and losartan is mediated by angiotensin-(1-7). Hypertension 40, 774-779, 2002


PAWLAK D., Tankiewicz A., Myśliwiec P., Buczko W.:  Tryptophan metabolism via the kynurenine pathway in experimental chronic renal failure. Nephron 90, 328-335, 2002


Myśliwiec P., PAWLAK D., Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.:  Endogenous neurotoxine - quinolinic acid is increased in renal allograft recipients. Transp. Proc. 34, 598-600, 2002


Topczewska-Bruns J., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Modyfikacje szlaku kinureninowego – nowe możliwości leczenia chorób OUN? Farm. Pol. 2, 51-56, 2002


2001 rok

Andrzejewska-Buczko J., PAWLAK D., Tankiewicz A., Matys T., Buczko W.: Possible involvement of kynurenamines in the pathogenesis of cataract in diabetic patients. Med. Sci. Monit. 7, 742-745, 2001


Topczewska-Bruns J., Tankiewicz A., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Behavioral changes in the course of chronic renal insufficiency in rats. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 53, 263-269, 2001


PAWLAK D., Tankiewicz A., Buczko W.: Kynurenine and its metabolites in the rat with experimental renal insufficiency.  J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 52, 755-766, 2001


PAWLAK D., Pawlak K., Małyszko J., Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.: Accumulation of toxic products degradation of kynurenine in hemodialyzed patients. Int. Urol. Nephrol. 33, 399-404, 2001


Tankiewicz A., PAWLAK D.,Buczko W.: Enzymy szlaku kinureninowego. Post. Hig. Med. Dośw. 55, 715-731, 2001


2000 rok

Małyszko J.S., Małyszko J., Pawlak K., PAWLAK D., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Importance of serotonergic mechanisms in the thrombotic complications in hemodialyzed patients treated with erythropoietin. Nephron 84, 305-311, 2000


Małyszko J.S., PAWLAK D., Małyszko J., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Peripheral serotonergic system in hemodialyzed and peritoneally dialyzed patients. Nephron 86, 396-397, 2000


PAWLAK D., Takada Y., Urano T., Takada A.: Serotonergic and kynurenic pathways in rats exposed to foot shock. Brain Res. Bull. 52, 197-205, 2000


PAWLAK D., MalczykE., DarewiczJ., Azzadin A., Buczko W.: Platelet serotonergic mechanisms in patients with cancer of the urinary bladder. Thromb. Res. 2000 98, 367-374, 2000


Chabielska E., Matys T., Kucharwicz I., PAWLAK D.,Rółkowski R., Buczko W.: The involvement of AT2-receptor in the antithrombotic effect of losartan in renal hypertensive rats. J. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 1, 263-267, 2000


Kucharewicz I., Chabielska E., PAWLAK D.,Matys T., Rółkowski R., Buczko W.: The anthithrombotic effect of angiotensin-(1-7) closely resembles that of losartan. J. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 1, 268-272, 2000


Myśliwiec P., PAWLAK D.: Szlak kinurenowy w zdrowiu i w chorobie. Post. Hig. Med. Dośw. 54, 239-252, 2000


1999 rok

Siwak E.B., PAWLAK D., Buczko W., Kondrusiuk M., Hermanowska- Szpakowicz T.: Stężenie serotoniny w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym w przebiegu ropnych i kleszczowych zapaleń opon mózgowo-rdzeniowych i mózgu. Neurol. Neurochir. Pol. 33, 339-349, 1999


1998 rok

PAWLAK D., Adamkiewicz M., Małyszko J., Takada A., Myśliwiec M.,  Buczko W.: Vascular and cardiac effects of DV-7028 - a selective,  5-HT2A receptor antagonist in rats. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 32, 266-273, 1998


PAWLAK D.,Pawlak K., Chabielska E., Małyszko J., Takada A., Myśliwiec  M., Buczko W.: DV-7028, a potent 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (5-HT2A) antagonist delays arterial thrombosis development in rats. Thromb. Res. 90, 259-270, 1998


Chabielska E., Pawlak R., Golatowski R., Rółkowski R., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Losartan inhibits experimental venous thrombosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats.  Thromb. Res. 90, 271-278, 1998


Małyszko J.S., Małyszko J., PAWLAK D., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Hemostasis, platelet functions, serotonin and serum lipids during omega-3 fatty acid treatmentin patients with glomerulonephritis. Nephron 80, 94-96, 1998


Myśliwiec M., Małyszko J.S., Małyszko J., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Peripheral serotonergic mechanisms in kidney diseases. Annal. Universit. M. Curie-Skłodowska Lublin-Polonia LII, 9-16, 1998


1997 rok

Łukaszewicz A., Markowski T., PAWLAK D.: Porównanie stężenia endogennego etanolu w surowicy krwi u alkoholików w różnym okresie abstynencji i u osób nie uzależnionych od alkoholu etylowego. Psychiatr. Pol. 31, 183-188, 1997


Kowal-Bielecka O., Bernacka K., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Serotonina a procesy immunologiczno-zapalne w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów. Reumatologia 35 (3), 329-338, 1997


Rydzewski A., Małyszko J., Borawski J., PAWLAK D., Azzadin A., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Altered circadian rhythm of platelet aggregation in hemodialyzed patients. Nephron 77, 365-367, 1997


1996 rok

Małyszko J.S., Małyszko J., PAWLAK D., Pawlak K., Myśliwiec M., Rydzewski A., Buczko W.: Comprehensive study on platelet function, hemostasis, fibrinolysis,  peripheral serotonergic system and serum lipids in nephrotic  syndrome. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 48, 191-195, 1996


Małyszko J., PAWLAK D., Małyszko J.S, Pawlak K., Buczko W.,  Myśliwiec M.: Platelet aggregation and peripheral serotonergic system in kidney  transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine. Transplant. Proc. 28, 1956-1959, 1996


PAWLAK D.,Małyszko J., Małyszko J.S., Pawlak K., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Peripheral serotonergic system in uremia. Thromb. Res. 83, 189-194, 1996


Małyszko J., Małyszko J.S., PAWLAK D.,Pawlak K., Buczko W., Myśliwiec M.: Hemostasis, platelet function and serotonin in acute and chronic renal failure. Thromb. Res. 83, 351-361, 1996


Andrzejewska-Buczko J., PAWLAK D., Walkowiak M., Stankiewicz A.: Serotonina w retinopatii cukrzycowej. Klin. Oczna 98, 101-104, 1996


Telejko B., Kinalska I., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: Platelet serotonergic mechanisms in patients with diabetes medlitus and vascular complications. Pol. J. Endocrinol. 47, 65-71, 1996


Krygicz D., Azzadin A., Pawlak R., Małyszko J.S., PAWLAK D.,  Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.: Cyclosporine A affects serotonergic mechanisms in uremic rats. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 48, 351-354, 1996        


PAWLAK D., Małyszko J., Myśliwiec M., Takada A., Buczko W.: Effect of DV-7028, a novel serotonin 5-HT2 receptor antagonist on the cardiovascular system in rats. Acta Physiol. Hung. 84, 325-326, 1996


PAWLAK D., Małyszko J., Myśliwiec M., Takada A., Buczko W.: Influence of MCI-9042, a novel 5-HT2 receptor blocker on blood vessels on the rat. Acta Physiol. Hung. 84, 323-324, 1996


Filipowski T, PAWLAK D., Morelowska-Topczewska B., Buczko W.: Peripheral serotonergic mechanisms in the cardiovascular system of epidermoid lung cancer patients. Acta Physiol. Hung. 84, 193-194, 1996


PAWLAK D.,Malinowska B., Wollny T., Godlewski G., Buczko W.: Lack of the specific influence of histamine and histamine H1, H2 and H3 receptor ligands on the serotonin uptake and release in blood platelets. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 48, 615-620, 1996


1995 rok

Morelowska-Spierzak D., PAWLAK D.,Buczko W.: Influence of captopril on the serotonin - induced vasopressor effect in tail artery isolated from two - kidney, one clip renal hypertensive rats. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 47, 417-422, 1995


Di Girolamo M., Silletta M.G., De Matteis M.A., Braca A., Colnzi A., PAWLAK D.,  Rasenick M.M., Luini A., Corda D.: Evidence that the 50 kDa substrate of brefeldin A - dependent ADP-ribosylation binds GTP and is modulated by the G - protein bg subunitcomplex. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 7065-7069, 1995


Małyszko J., Małyszko J.S., Myśliwiec M., PAWLAK D.,Buczko W.: Układ fibrynolizy i obwodowy układ serotonergiczny u chorych z kłębuszkowym zapaleniem nerek. Przegl. Lek. 52, 428-430, 1995


1993 rok

PAWLAK D.,Chabielska E., Buczko W.: Influence of acetaldehyde on some serotonergic mechanisms in rat blood platelets. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 45, 59-66, 1993


PAWLAK D.,Morelowska-Spierzak D., Azzadin A., Wróbel K., Buczko W.: Lack of effect of acetaldehyde on the cardiovascular system in rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 28, 529-533, 1993


Buczko W., Malinowska B., Pietraszek M.H., PAWLAK D., Chabielska  E.: Influence of Tolpa preparation on haemostasis in rats. Acta Pol. Pharm. Drug Res. 50, 507-511,1993


Popławski A., Azzadin A., PAWLAK D.,Buczko W., Kaliszewski Z.: Hamowanie procesu erytropoezy przez ultrafiltrat uzyskany od chorych z  krańcową niewydolnością nerek. Pol. Tyg. Lek. 50, 334-337, 1993


1992 rok

PAWLAK D.,Malinowska B., Buczko W.: Cardiovascular effects of acetaldehyde in pithed rats. Pharmacology 45, 83-89, 1992


Azzadin A., Białkowska A., PAWLAK D., Chabielska E., Mazerska M., Myśliwiec M., Buczko W.: Serotonin is involved in some effects of erythropoietin. Thromb. Res. 65, 657-661, 1992


Malinowska B., PAWLAK D.,Buczko W.: Influence of DAU 6215, a novel 5-HT3 receptor antagonist on the cardiovascular system in anaesthetized and pithed rats.  Agents Actions 36, 230-236, 1992


PAWLAK D.,Krygicz D., Chabielska E., Buczko W.: Influence of acetaldehyde on vasopressor effect of serotonin in pithed rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 27, 367-372, 1992


Buczko W., Malinowska B., Chabielska E., PAWLAK D.: Effect of ethanol on blood serotonergic mechanisms. Hemostasis and Circulation A. Takada, A.Z. Budzynski Eds, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Berlin,  Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Barcelona,133-138, 1992


Morelowska D., Chabielska E., PAWLAK D.,Azzadin A., Krygicz D., Buczko W.: Effect of captopril on serotonergic mechanisms in two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertensiverats. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 44, 365-372, 1992


1991 rok

Buczko W., Malinowska B., Chabielska E., PAWLAK D., Pietraszek M.: Udział mechanizmów serotoninergicznych w działaniu alkoholu etylowego na układ krążenia szczura. Alkoholizm i Narkomania 57-66, 1991


1990 rok

Malinowska B., Pietraszek M., Chabielska E., PAWLAK D., Buczko W.: The effect of ethanol and serotonin on blood vessels of the rat. Pol. J. Pharmacol. 42, 333-342, 1990


Malinowska B., PAWLAK D.,Chabielska E., Buczko W.: Influence of acute and chronic ethanol administration on the vasopressor effect of serotonin in pithed rats. Pharmacology 41, 91-97, 1990


1989 rok

Malinowska B., PAWLAK D.,Chabielska E., Buczko W.: Cardiovascular effect of ethanol in anaesthetized, concious and pithed rats. Drug Alcohol Depend. 24, 51-56, 1989