Achievements in the academic year 2022/2023

Total number of club members: 12

Conference speeches:
1. International
Aleksandra Wochna "Is it just vitamin B12 deficiency? A case series.” at the 3rd International Geriatrics and Internal Medicine Conference "Senectus"
1st place Zuzanna Smuniewska "Drugs Management of Antidepressant induced Hyponatremia in Elderly Patients." at the 3rd International Geriatrics and Internal Medicine Conference "Senectus"
1st place Karolina Furgała “The less drugs the better?” at the 3rd International Geriatrics and Internal Medicine Conference "Senectus"
Karolina Furgała “A rare reversible cause of cognitive impairment in the elderly” at the 9th Lublin International Medical Congress
Dominika Hanusek “Diagnostic challenge of advanced primary cardiac angiosarcoma with non-specific symptomatology” at Warsaw international Medical Congress
Dominika Hanusek “From Palliation to cure. Pressed IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy as a method for peritoneal carcinomatosis in colorectal cancer.” at the Warsaw international Medical Congress
3rd place Michał Matecki “Femur fracture as a sentinel event in geriatric patients.” at the 3rd International Geriatrics and Internal Medicine Conference "Senectus"
2. Nationwide
Aleksandra Wochna “Dementia in old age - is it really Alzheimer's disease? The case of an 88-year-old patient. at the 10th Conference of the College of Geriatric Specialists in Poland
Karolina Furgała "Chronic subdural hematomas as a rare cause of cognitive disorders in elderly people" at the 4th Student Neurological Conference
Dominika Hanusek "Malnutrition and burning mouth as a contemporary geriatric problem" at the 10th Conference of the College of Geriatric Specialists in Poland
Weronika Lebda "Conley Scale as a tool for assessing the risk of falls in geriatric patients" on Contemporary challenges of geriatric care

Implemented initiatives: 1. Lecture on a healthy lifestyle for Seniors from the University of the Third Age - Dominika Hanusek, Michał Konieczny 2. Lecture on a healthy lifestyle for seniors from the University of the Third Age at MOK - Dominika Hanusek, Michał Konieczny 3. Organizing the 3rd International Geriatrics and Internal Medicine Conference "Senectus" 4. Lectures for Seniors from the University of the Third Age in Olsztyn - SKN students

Achievements in the 2021/2022 academic year: Conference speeches: 1. International: 2nd place Karolina Furgała "Chronic subdural hematomas as a rare but possible cause of cognitive impairment in the elderly - case report" at the Szczecin International Medical Students' Conference Michał Konieczny "Symptoms of dementia in the course of hyperthyroidism in a geriatric patient" at the Szczecin International Medical Students' Conference 2nd place Natalia Hawryluk "Concerns of Quality and Reliability of Educational Videos Focused on Frailty Syndrome on YouTube Platform" at the 16th Białystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientist 2. Nationwide: Distinction Krzysztof Rutkowski, Mateusz Wyszatycki, Krystian Ejdys "Pain and its treatment in geriatric clinic patients" at the 9th Conference of the College of Geriatric Specialists 2022 Dominika Hanusek, Natalia Hawryluk "Vitamin D deficiency in geriatric patients - is it important in the development of dementia disorders?" at the 9th Conference of the College of Geriatric Specialists 2022 Zuzanna Smuniewska, Tomasz Maroszczuk "COVID-19 as a clinical mask of listeriosis" at Neuro-Logiczni: 1st National Neurological and Psychiatric Conference in Lublin Publications: Concerns of Quality and Reliability of Educational Videos Focused on Frailty Syndrome on YouTube Platform. Hawryluk NM, Stompór M, Joniec EZ. Geriatrics2022, 7(1), 3; Drug-Resistant Hyponatremia after Escitalopram Intake: A Series of Two Case Reports. Kacperczyk J, Perdyan A, Stompór M. Ann Geriatr Med Res. 2021 Sep;25(3):217-221. doi: 10.4235/agmr.21.0062. Epub 2021 Sep 29. Will Youtube Platform be the MainSource of Patients' Knowledge about Frailty? Hawryluk NM, Stompór M (2022) J Gerontol Geriatr Med 8: 119 Rybak-d'Obyrn J, Placek W, Owczarczyk-Saczeniek A, et al. Cutaneous Eruptions in the Course of COVID-19 Among Geriatric Patients in a Nursing Home in Poland. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2022;15:2117-2127. Published 2022 Oct 4. doi:10.2147/CCID.S371630
Co-organization of the Senectus student conference with IFMSA Poland (June 2022)