Credits and exams- during winter semester 2021/2022

Olsztyn, 26.01.2022

Dear Students,

we would like to remind you, that the Vice-Rector for Education, dr hab. Paweł Wysocki, prof. UWM has announced the information in regards the organization of the didactic process in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 during the period of conducting credits and exams. 
The decision on how to verify the learning outcomes is made by the academic teacher who is conducting the credit or the exam, taking under consideration the specific form of the course.
However if it is necessary to verify the learning outcomes in the inperson form, credits/exams should take place in individual student groups. The current guidelines in the field of the sanitary regime should be followed, including:
1) persons taking credits/exams are obliged to cover their mouths and nose and disinfect their hands,
2) rooms used to conduct credits and exams should be regularly ventilated and disinfected,
3) credits and exams may be held only in lecture rooms or lecture halls, ensuring social distancing.
In order to ensure the safety of the academic community, taking under consideration the growing number of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections, the Vice-Rector recommends the online form of conducting the credits and exams.
Based on the above as well as taking under consideration the pandemic situation and students' requests, Authorities of the School of Medicine support and recommend the online form of conducting the credits and exams (in such situations, where the learning outcomes can be verified in the online form).