The group's supervisor was Dr. Wanda Badowska

The aim of the Circle is:

  1. Expanding students' knowledge in the field of pediatrics, developing interests in the above-mentioned field.
  2. Promoting a modern, comprehensive approach to the problems of a sick child and his environment (promoting a healthy lifestyle).
  3. Conducting scientific research.

The main assumptions of the Circle:

  1. Expanding knowledge about pediatrics and individual specialties, mainly oncology and pediatric hematology.
  2. Acquiring practical skills and developing ethical attitudes necessary in the future work of a doctor.
  3. Development of personal abilities.
  4. Training in the use of scientific literature and Internet resources.
  5. Conducting your own observations and research.Learning to write scientific papers.
  6. Health promotion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of pediatrics among students
  7. Promoting the Department, Faculty and University in Poland and abroad.