
Former and finished grants

-        2014 grant founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. N N518 288940

Comparison of the aplication of advanced and traditional methods of posture assessment and motion system function in the diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of kyphotic spine deformation therapy.

-        2012 grant founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. N N518 413036 The use of modern measuring and therapeutic devices for the clinical and anthropometric evaluation of postural disorders of children and adolescents with particular regard to idiopathic scoliosis and the analysis of the effectiveness of its treatment methods.

-        European Union Project under the European Social Fund nr. POKL.09.01.02-28-029 / 10-00 in the years 2011 – 2012. Man - the best investment. Educational opportunity for children with disabilities.

-        Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area, Cross-Border and Interregional Cross-Border Funds FMG / III / 129/09 2009-2010. Quality management in health care.

-        2009 grant founded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education N518 037 32/2715 Analysis of the effect of muscle electrostimulation on spinal curvature correction in experimental study.

-        EU-Russia Cooperation Programme (Tacis) nr 2007/132-594 w latach 2007 – 2009. The establishment of international rehabilitation center for 7-14 year-old children with disabilities.